Electron temperature summary plots for Millstone Hill Radar

Feb. 24, 2020

Electron density summary plots Ion temperature summary plots Ion velocity summary plots Ion velocity (high) summary plots

Rapid South Plasma Line Experiment

This is an experiment designed to measure the regional mid-latitude E and F region ionosphere in the vertical direction and geographic south. High accuracy plasma line data and medium length integration periods are used to monitor ionospheric features.

This page has the following summary plots of electron temperature:

  1. Zenith - F region - Te
  2. Zenith - E region - Te
  3. MISA - F region - az -173.00, el 45.00 - Te
  4. MISA - E region - az -173.00, el 45.00 - Te
Zenith - F region - Te
Zenith - E region - Te
MISA - F region - az -173.00, el 45.00 - Te
MISA - E region - az -173.00, el 45.00 - Te