Module madrigalWeb.madrigalWeb
The madrigalWeb module provides access to all Madrigal data via web services.
Expand source code
"""The madrigalWeb module provides access to all Madrigal data via web services.
# $Id: 6583 2018-09-27 16:49:53Z brideout $
import os, os.path, sys
import traceback
try: # Python 3
import urllib.request as urllib2
import urllib.parse as urlparse
except ImportError: # Python 2
import urllib, urllib2, urlparse
import types
import re
import datetime
import socket
import distutils.version
# constants
TIMEOUT = 60 * 15 # timeout in seconds before skipping file
def isStringType(input):
"""isStringType is a method designed to work with both python 2 and 3 to test for string type
if type(input) == str:
if type(input) == unicode:
class MadrigalData:
"""MadrigalData is a class that acquires data from a particular Madrigal site.
Usage example::
import madrigalWeb.madrigalWeb
test = madrigalWeb.madrigalWeb.MadrigalData('')
instList = test.getInstrumentList()
Non-standard Python modules used: None
Change history:
Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004
def __init__(self, url):
"""__init__ initializes a MadrigalData object.
url - (string) url of main page of madrigal site. Example: ''
Affects: Converts main page to cgi url, and stores that.
Also stores self.siteDict, with key = site id, value= site url, and self.siteId
Exceptions: If url not found.
cgiName = 'accessData.cgi'
regExp = re.compile('".*' + cgiName)
# get base of url
urlParts = urlparse.urlparse(url)
urlBase = urlParts[0] + '://' + urlParts[1]
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf-8')
result =
# check for success
if result == None:
raise ValueError('invalid url: ' + str(url))
result =
if type(result) in (list, tuple):
result = result[0]
self.cgiurl = urlBase + result[1:(-1*len(cgiName))]
self.siteDict = self.__getSiteDict()
self.cgiurl = url
if not self.cgiurl[-1] == '/':
self.cgiurl += '/'
self.siteDict = self.__getSiteDict()
self.siteId = self.__getSiteId()
# get Madrigal version
self._madVers = self.getVersion()
def __getSiteDict(self):
"""__getSiteDict returns a dictionary with key = site id, value= site url.
Uses getMetadata cgi script
url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl, 'getMetadata?fileType=5')
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
page ='utf-8')
lines = page.split('\n')
siteDict = {}
for line in lines:
items = line.split(',')
if len(items) < 4:
site = int(items[0])
thisUrl = 'http://%s/%s' % (items[2], items[3])
siteDict[site] = thisUrl
return siteDict
def __getSiteId(self):
"""__getSiteId returns the local site id
Uses getMetadata cgi script
url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl, 'getMetadata?fileType=0')
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
page ='utf-8')
lines = page.split('\n')
for line in lines:
items = line.split(',')
if len(items) < 4:
siteId = int(items[3])
raise IOError('No siteId found')
def getAllInstruments(self):
""" returns a list of all MadrigalInstruments at the given Madrigal site"""
scriptName = ''
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url))
# check that html was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
for line in page:
items = line.split(',')
if len(items) < 5:
if len(items) > 6:
category = items[6]
category = 'unknown'
return result
def getExperiments(self,
""" returns a list of all MadrigalExperiments that meet criteria at the given Madrigal site
code - int or list of ints representing instrument code(s). Special value of 0 selects all instruments.
startyear - int or string convertable to int
startmonth - int or string convertable to int
startday - int or string convertable to int
starthour - int or string convertable to int
startmin - int or string convertable to int
startsec - int or string convertable to int
endyear - int or string convertable to int
endmonth - int or string convertable to int
endday - int or string convertable to int
endhour - int or string convertable to int
endmin - int or string convertable to int
endsec - int or string convertable to int
local - 0 if all sites desired, 1 (default) if only local experiments desired
List of MadrigalExperiment objects that meet the criteria. Note that if the returned
MadrigalExperiment is not local, the experiment id will be -1. This means that you
will need to create a new MadrigalData object with the url of the
non-local experiment (MadrigalExperiment.madrigalUrl), and then call
getExperiments a second time using that Madrigal url. This is because
while Madrigal sites share metadata about experiments, the real experiment ids are only
known by the individual Madrigal sites. See examples/
for an example of this.
scriptName = ''
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?'
# first append code(s)
if type(code) == list:
for item in code:
url += 'code=%i&' % (int(item))
url += 'code=%i&' % (int(code))
# append times
url += 'startyear=%i&' % (int(startyear))
url += 'startmonth=%i&' % (int(startmonth))
url += 'startday=%i&' % (int(startday))
url += 'starthour=%i&' % (int(starthour))
url += 'startmin=%i&' % (int(startmin))
url += 'startsec=%i&' % (int(startsec))
url += 'endyear=%i&' % (int(endyear))
url += 'endmonth=%i&' % (int(endmonth))
url += 'endday=%i&' % (int(endday))
url += 'endhour=%i&' % (int(endhour))
url += 'endmin=%i&' % (int(endmin))
url += 'endsec=%i&' % (int(endsec))
url += 'local=%i'% (int(local))
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8', errors='replace')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
return []
# check that error was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
for line in page:
items = line.split(',')
# calculate isLocal
if len(items) < 20:
if int(items[3]) == self.siteId:
isLocal = True
isLocal = False
if isLocal:
expIdStr = items[0]
expIdStr = '-1'
if len(items) > 21:
pi = items[20]
piEmail = items[21]
pi = 'unknown'
piEmail = 'unknown'
if len(items) > 23:
uttimestamp = int(items[22])
access = int(items[23])
uttimestamp = None
access = None
return result
def getExperimentFiles(self, id, getNonDefault=False):
""" returns a list of all default MadrigalExperimentFiles for a given experiment id
id - Experiment id.
getNonDefault - if False (the default), only get default files, or realtime
files if no default files found. If True, get all files.
In general, users should set this to False because default files
are the most reliable.
List of MadrigalExperimentFile objects for that experiment id
scriptName = ''
if int(id) == -1:
err_str = """Illegal experiment id -1. This is usually caused by calling
getExperiments with the isLocal flag set to 0. To get the experiment id for a non-local
experiment, you will need to create a new MadrigalData object with the url of the
non-local experiment (MadrigalExperiment.madrigalUrl), and then call
getExperiments a second time using that Madrigal url. This is because
while Madrigal sites share metadata about experiments, the real experiment ids are only
known by the individual Madrigal sites. See examples/
for an example of this.
raise ValueError(err_str)
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?id=%i' % (int(id))
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
return []
# check that error was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
# find out if no default files. If so, return realtime also
hasDefault = False
for line in page:
items = line.split(',')
if len(items) < 4:
if int(items[3]) == 1:
hasDefault = True
for line in page:
items = line.split(',')
if len(items) < 4:
category = int(items[3])
if hasDefault and category != 1 and not getNonDefault:
if not hasDefault and category != 4 and not getNonDefault:
if len(items) > 6:
doi = items[6]
doi = None
return result
def getExperimentFileParameters(self,fullFilename):
""" getExperimentFileParameters returns a list of all measured and derivable parameters in file
fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by getExperimentFiles.
List of MadrigalParameter objects for that fullFilename. Includes both measured
and derivable parameters in file.
scriptName = ''
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?filename=%s' % (str(fullFilename))
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
return []
# check that error was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
for line in page:
items = line.split('\\')
# with Madrigal 2.5, isAddIncrement was added as 8th column
if len(items) < 7:
isAddIncrement = int(items[7])
isAddIncrement = -1
return result
def simplePrint(self, filename, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation):
"""simplePrint prints the data in the given file is a simple ascii format.
simplePrint prints only the parameters in the file, without filters or derived
parameters. To choose which parameters to print, to print derived parameters, or
to filter the data, use isprint instead.
filename - The absolute filename to be printed. Returned by getExperimentFiles.
user_fullname - full name of user making request
user_email - email address of user making request
user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request
Returns: string representing all data in the file in ascii, space-delimited form.
The first line if the list of parameters printed. The first six parameters will
always be year, month, day, hour, min, sec, representing the middle time of
the measurment.
parms = self.getExperimentFileParameters(filename)
parmStr = 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec'
for parm in parms:
if parm.isMeasured and parm.isAddIncrement != 1:
parmStr += ',%s' % (parm.mnemonic)
thisLabel = parm.mnemonic[:11].upper()
labelStr += '%s%s' % (thisLabel, ' '*(11-len(thisLabel)))
retStr = '%s\n' % (labelStr)
retStr += self.isprint(filename, parmStr, '', user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation)
def isprint(self, filename, parms, filters, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, outputFile=None):
"""returns as a string the isprint output given filename, parms, filters without headers or summary.
filename - The absolute filename to be analyzed by isprint.
parms - Comma delimited string listing requested parameters (no spaces allowed).
filters - Space delimited string listing filters desired, as in isprint command
user_fullname - full name of user making request
user_email - email address of user making request
user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request
outputFile - if not None, download the results to outputFile. If outputFile has an extension
of .h5, .hdf, or .hdf5, will download in Madrigal Hdf5 format. If it has a .nc extension, will
download as netCDF4. Otherwise, it will download as column delimited ascii.
Trying to save as Hdf5 or netCDF4 with a Madrigal 2 site will raise an exception
a string holding the isprint output
scriptName = ''
# build the complete cgi string, replacing characters as required by cgi standard
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?'
url += 'file=%s&' % (filename.replace('/', '%2F'))
if parms.find(' ') != -1:
parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces
parms = parms.replace('+','%2B')
parms = parms.replace(',','+')
url += 'parms=%s&' % (parms)
filters = filters.replace('=','%3D')
filters = filters.replace(',','%2C')
filters = filters.replace('/','%2F')
filters = filters.replace('+','%2B')
filters = filters.replace(' ','+')
url += 'filters=%s&' % (filters)
user_fullname = user_fullname.replace(' ','+').strip()
url += 'user_fullname=%s&' % (user_fullname)
user_email = user_email.strip()
url += 'user_email=%s&' % (user_email)
user_affiliation = user_affiliation.replace(' ','+').strip()
url += 'user_affiliation=%s' % (user_affiliation)
if not outputFile is None:
url += '&output=%s' % (os.path.basename(outputFile))
filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(outputFile)
if file_extension in ('.hdf5', '.h5', '.hdf'):
format = 'Hdf5'
elif file_extension in ('.nc',):
format = 'netCDF4'
format = 'ascii'
# if Hdf5 or netCDF4, make sure site is 3 or greater
if format in ('Hdf5', 'netCDF4'):
version = self.getVersion()
if distutils.version.LooseVersion(version) < distutils.version.LooseVersion('3.0'):
raise ValueError('Madrigal site at %s is below 3.0, cannot convert to Hdf5 or netCDF4' % (self.cgiurl))
format = 'ascii'
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
if format == 'ascii':
page ='utf-8')
page =
if format == 'ascii':
if page.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url))
if outputFile is None:
return page
if format == 'ascii':
f = open(outputFile, 'w')
f = open(outputFile, 'wb')
def madCalculator(self,
Input arguments:
1. year - int
2. month - int
3. day - int
4. hour - int
5. min - int
6. sec - int
7. startLat - Starting geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float)
8. endLat - Ending geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float)
9. stepLat - Latitude step (0.1 to 90) (float)
10. startLong - Starting geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float)
11. endLong - Ending geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float)
12. stepLong - Longitude step (0.1 to 180) (float)
13. startAlt - Starting geodetic altitude, >= 0 (float)
14. endAlt - Ending geodetic altitude, > 0 (float)
15. stepAlt - Altitude step (>= 0.1) (float)
16. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired
17. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should
be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics.
Defaults to empty list.
18. oneDParmValues - a list of values (doubles) associated with the one-D
parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list.
A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 3 + number of parameters doubles.
The first three doubles are the input latitude, longitude, and altitude. The rest of the
doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated,
it will be set to nan.
result = testData.madCalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0,45,55,5,-170,-150,10,200,200,0,'bmag,bn')
result = [ [45.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.1315700000000002e-05, 2.1013500000000001e-05]
[45.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.2336899999999998e-05, 2.03685e-05]
[45.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.3856400000000002e-05, 1.97411e-05]
[50.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.3913599999999999e-05, 1.9639999999999998e-05]
[50.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.4890099999999999e-05, 1.8870999999999999e-05]
[50.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.6337800000000002e-05, 1.80077e-05]
[55.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.6397899999999998e-05, 1.78115e-05]
[55.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.7265400000000003e-05, 1.6932500000000001e-05]
[55.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.85495e-05, 1.5865399999999999e-05] ]
Columns: gdlat glon gdalt bmag bn
scriptName = ''
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?year'
if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues):
raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)')
if parms.find(' ') != -1:
parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces
# append arguments
url += '=%i&month' % (int(year))
url += '=%i&day' % (int(month))
url += '=%i&hour' % (int(day))
url += '=%i&min' % (int(hour))
url += '=%i&sec' % (int(min))
url += '=%i&startLat' % (int(sec))
url += '=%f&endLat' % (float(startLat))
url += '=%f&stepLat' % (float(endLat))
url += '=%f&startLong' % (float(stepLat))
url += '=%f&endLong' % (float(startLong))
url += '=%f&stepLong' % (float(endLong))
url += '=%f&startAlt' % (float(stepLong))
url += '=%f&endAlt' % (float(startAlt))
url += '=%f&stepAlt' % (float(endAlt))
url += '=%f&parms' % (float(stepAlt))
url += '=%s' % (parms)
for i in range(len(oneDParmList)):
url += '&oneD=%s,%s' % (str(oneDParmList[i]), str(oneDParmValues[i]))
# remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation
url = url.replace('+', '%2B')
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url))
# check that error was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
# parse output
for line in page:
items = line.split()
if len(items) < 3:
# blank line
newList = []
for item in items:
return result
def madCalculator2(self,
twoDParmList = [],
twoDParmValues = []):
madCalculator2 is similar to madCalculator, except that a random collection of points in space can be specified,
rather than a grid of points. Also, a user can input 2D data.
Added to Madrigal2.6 as web service - will not run on earlier Madrigal installations.
Input arguments:
1. year - int
2. month - int
3. day - int
4. hour - int
5. min - int
6. sec - int
7. latList - a list of geodetic latitudes, -90 to 90
8. lonList - a list of longitudes, -180 to 180. Length must = lats
9. altList - a list of geodetic altitudes in km. Length must = lats
10. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired
11. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should
be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics.
Defaults to empty list.
12. oneDParmValues - a list of values (doubles) associated with the one-D
parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list.
13. twoDParmList - a python list of two-D parameters as mnemonics. Defaults to [].
14. twoDParmValues - a python list of lists of len = len(twoDParmList). Each individual
list is a list of doubles representing values of the two-D
parameter set in twoDParmList, with a length = number
of points (or equal to len(lats)). Defaults to [].
A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 3 + number of parameters doubles.
The first three doubles are the input latitude, longitude, and altitude. The rest of the
doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated,
it will be set to nan.
result = testData.madCalculator2(1999,2,15,12,30,0,[45,55],[-170,-150],[200,300],'sdwht,kp')
result = [ [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0]
[1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 45.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0]
[1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 13.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0]
[1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 13.0, 15.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] ]
Columns: gdlat glon gdalt sdwht kp
Now uses POST to avoid long url issue
# verify Madrigal site can call this command
if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers):
raise IOError('madCalculator2 requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers))
scriptName = ''
if parms.find(' ') != -1:
parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName
# error checking
if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues):
raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)')
if len(latList) == 0:
raise ValueError('length of latList must be at least one')
if len(latList) != len(lonList) or len(latList) != len(altList):
raise ValueError('lengths of latList, lonList, altList must all be equal')
if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues):
raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)')
postUrl = 'year'
# append arguments
delimiter = ','
postUrl += '=%i&month' % (int(year))
postUrl += '=%i&day' % (int(month))
postUrl += '=%i&hour' % (int(day))
postUrl += '=%i&min' % (int(hour))
postUrl += '=%i&sec' % (int(min))
postUrl += '=%i&lats=' % (int(sec))
for i in range(len(latList)):
postUrl += str(latList[i])
if i + 1 < len(latList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&longs='
for i in range(len(lonList)):
postUrl += str(lonList[i])
if i + 1 < len(lonList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&alts='
for i in range(len(altList)):
postUrl += str(altList[i])
if i + 1 < len(altList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&parms=%s' % (parms)
for i in range(len(oneDParmList)):
postUrl += '&oneD=%s,%s' % (str(oneDParmList[i]), str(oneDParmValues[i]))
for i in range(len(twoDParmList)):
postUrl += '&twoD=%s,' % (str(twoDParmList[i]))
for j in range(len(twoDParmValues[i])):
postUrl += str(twoDParmValues[i][j])
if j + 1 < len(twoDParmValues[i]):
postUrl += ','
# remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation
postUrl = postUrl.replace('+', '%2B')
data = postUrl.encode("utf-8")
# read main url
req = urllib2.Request(url)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data=data)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str((url, postUrl)))
page ='utf8')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url))
# check that error was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
# parse output
for line in page:
items = line.split()
if len(items) < 3:
# blank line
newList = []
for item in items:
return result
def madCalculator3(self,
twoDParmList = [],
twoDParmValues = []):
madCalculator3 is similar to madCalculator, except that multiple times can be specified,
where each time can have its own unique spatial positions and 1D and 2D parms. It is
equivalent to multiple calls to madCalculator2, except that it should greatly improve
performance where multiple calls to madCalculator2 are required for different times.
The only restriction is that the same parameters must be requested for every time.
Added to Madrigal2.6 as web service - will not run on earlier Madrigal installations.
Now uses POST to send arguments, due to large volume of data possible
Input arguments:
1. yearList - a list of years, one for each time requested (ints)
2. monthList - a list of months, one for each time requested. (ints)
3. dayList - a list of days, one for each time requested. (ints)
4. hourList - a list of hours, one for each time requested. (ints)
5. minList - a list of minutes, one for each time requested. (ints)
6. secList - a list of seconds, one for each time requested. (ints)
7. latList - a list of lists of geodetic latitudes, -90 to 90. The
first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc.
The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number
of times must match yearList.
Data organization: latList[timeIndex][positionIndex]
8. lonList - a list of lists of longitudes, -180 to 180. The
first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc.
The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number
of times must match yearList. Lens must match latList
Data organization: lonList[timeIndex][positionIndex]
9. altList - a list of lists of geodetic altitudes in km. The
first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc.
The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number
of times must match yearList. Lens must match latList
Data organization: altList[timeIndex][positionIndex]
10. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired
11. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should
be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics.
Defaults to empty list.
12. oneDParmValues - a list of lists of values (doubles) associated with the one-D
parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list.
The first list is for the first 1D parameter in oneDParmList,
and must be on length len(yearList). The second list is for
the second parameter, etc.
Data organization: onDParmValues[parameterIndex][timeIndex]
13. twoDParmList - a python list of of two-D parameters as mnemonics. Defaults to [].
14. twoDParmValues - a list of lists of lists of values (doubles) associated with the two-D
parameters specified in twoDParmList. Defaults to empty list.
The first list is for the first 2D parameter in oneDParmList,
and must be a list of length len(yearList). Each list in that
list must be of len(num positions for that time). The second list is for
the second parameter, etc.
Data organization: twoDParmValues[parameterIndex][timeIndex][positionIndex]
A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 9 + number of parameters doubles.
The first nine doubles are:
1) year, 2) month, 3) day, 4) hour, 5) minute, 6) second,
7) input latitude, 8) longitude, and 9) altitude.
The rest of the doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value
cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan.
testData.madCalculator3(yearList=[2001,2001], monthList=[3,3], dayList=[19,20],
hourList=[12,12], minList=[30,40], secList=[20,0],
Columns: year month day hour minute second gdlat glon gdalt bmag pdcon ne_model
# verify Madrigal site can call this command
if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers):
raise IOError('madCalculator3 requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers))
scriptName = ''
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName
postUrl = ''
# error checking
totalTimes = len(yearList)
raise ValueError('yearList must be a list, not %s' % (str(yearList)))
if len(monthList) != totalTimes or \
len(dayList) != totalTimes or \
len(hourList) != totalTimes or \
len(minList) != totalTimes or \
len(secList) != totalTimes:
raise ValueError('Not all time lists have same length')
if parms.find(' ') != -1:
parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces
# add time arguments
postUrl += 'year='
for i, year in enumerate(yearList):
postUrl += '%i' % (year)
if i+1 < len(yearList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&month='
for i, month in enumerate(monthList):
postUrl += '%i' % (month)
if i+1 < len(monthList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&day='
for i, day in enumerate(dayList):
postUrl += '%i' % (day)
if i+1 < len(dayList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&hour='
for i, hour in enumerate(hourList):
postUrl += '%i' % (hour)
if i+1 < len(hourList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&min='
for i, minute in enumerate(minList):
postUrl += '%i' % (minute)
if i+1 < len(minList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&sec='
for i, sec in enumerate(secList):
postUrl += '%i' % (sec)
if i+1 < len(secList):
postUrl += ','
# get numPos list from latList
numPos = []
for lats in latList:
postUrl += '&numPos='
for i, pos in enumerate(numPos):
postUrl += '%i' % (pos)
if i+1 < len(numPos):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&lats='
for i, posList in enumerate(latList):
if len(posList) != numPos[i]:
raise ValueError('mismatched number of points in latList')
for j, pos in enumerate(posList):
postUrl += '%f' % (pos)
if i+1 < len(latList) or j+1 < len(posList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&longs='
for i, posList in enumerate(lonList):
if len(posList) != numPos[i]:
raise ValueError('mismatched number of points in lonList')
for j, pos in enumerate(posList):
postUrl += '%f' % (pos)
if i+1 < len(lonList) or j+1 < len(posList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&alts='
for i, posList in enumerate(altList):
if len(posList) != numPos[i]:
raise ValueError('mismatched number of points in altList')
for j, pos in enumerate(posList):
postUrl += '%f' % (pos)
if i+1 < len(altList) or j+1 < len(posList):
postUrl += ','
postUrl += '&parms=%s' % (parms)
if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues):
raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)')
for i, parm in enumerate(oneDParmList):
postUrl += '&oneD=%s,' % (str(parm))
if len(oneDParmValues[i]) != totalTimes:
raise ValueError('wrong number of 1D parms for %s' % (str(parm)))
for j, value in enumerate(oneDParmValues[i]):
postUrl += '%f' % (value)
if j+1 < len(oneDParmValues[i]):
postUrl += ','
for i, parm in enumerate(twoDParmList):
postUrl += '&twoD=%s,' % (str(parm))
if len(twoDParmValues[i]) != totalTimes:
raise ValueError('wrong number of 2D parms for %s' % (str(parm)))
for j, valueList in enumerate(twoDParmValues[i]):
if len(valueList) != numPos[j]:
raise ValueError('wrong number of 2D parms for %s' % (str(parm)))
for k, value in enumerate(valueList):
postUrl += '%f' % (value)
if j+1 < len(twoDParmValues[i]) or k+1 < len(valueList):
postUrl += ','
# remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation
postUrl = postUrl.replace('+', '%2B')
data = postUrl.encode('utf8')
# read main url
req = urllib2.Request(url)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data=data)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str((url, postUrl)))
page ='utf8')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url))
# check that error was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
# time data to add to each line
for line in page:
items = line.split()
if len(items) < 3:
# blank line
if line.find('TIME') != -1:
# new time found
year = int(dates[2])
month = int(dates[0])
day = int(dates[1])
hour = int(times[0])
minute = int(times[1])
second = int(times[2])
newList = [year,month,day,hour,minute,second]
for item in items:
return result
def madTimeCalculator(self,
Input arguments:
1. startyear - int
2. startmonth - int
3. startday - int
4. starthour - int
5. startmin - int
6. startsec - int
7. endyear - int
8. endmonth - int
9. endday - int
10. endhour - int
11. endmin - int
12. endsec - int
13. stephours - float - number of hours per time step
14. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired (must not depend on location)
A list of lists, where each list contains 6 ints (year, month, day, hour, min, sec) + number
of parameters. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan.
result = testData.madTestCalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0,
24.0, 'kp,dst')
result = [[1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 3.0, -9.0]
[1999.0, 2.0, 16.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 1.0, -6.0]
[1999.0, 2.0, 17.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 4.0, -31.0]
[1999.0, 2.0, 18.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 6.7000000000000002, -93.0]
[1999.0, 2.0, 19.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 5.2999999999999998, -75.0]]
Columns: year, month, day, hour, min, sec, kp, dst
scriptName = ''
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?startyear'
if parms.find(' ') != -1:
parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces
# append arguments
url += '=%i&startmonth' % (int(startyear))
url += '=%i&startday' % (int(startmonth))
url += '=%i&starthour' % (int(startday))
url += '=%i&startmin' % (int(starthour))
url += '=%i&startsec' % (int(startmin))
url += '=%i&endyear' % (int(startsec))
url += '=%i&endmonth' % (int(endyear))
url += '=%i&endday' % (int(endmonth))
url += '=%i&endhour' % (int(endday))
url += '=%i&endmin' % (int(endhour))
url += '=%i&endsec' % (int(endmin))
url += '=%i&stephours' % (int(endsec))
url += '=%f&parms' % (float(stephours))
url += '=%s' % (parms)
# remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation
url = url.replace('+', '%2B')
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url))
# check that error was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
# parse output
for line in page:
items = line.split()
if len(items) < 3:
# blank line
newList = []
for item in items:
return result
def radarToGeodetic(self,
"""radarToGeodetic converts arrays of az, el, and ranges to geodetic locations.
Input arguments:
1. slatgd - radar geodetic latitude
2. slon - radar longitude
3. saltgd - radar altitude
4. az - either a single azimuth, or a list of azimuths
5. el - either a single elevation, or a list of elevations. If so, len(el)
must = len(az)
6. radarRange - either a single range, or a list of ranges. If so, len(radarRange)
must = len(az)
A list of lists, where each list contains 3 floats (gdlat, glon, and gdalt)
scriptName = ''
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?slatgd'
# append arguments
url += '=%f&slon' % (float(slatgd))
url += '=%f&saltgd' % (float(slon))
url += '=%f&' % (float(saltgd))
if type(az) == list or type(az) == tuple:
if len(az) != len(el) or len(az) != len(radarRange):
raise ValueError('all lists most have same length')
for i in range(len(az)):
if i == 0:
arg = str(az[i])
arg += ',' + str(az[i])
url += 'az=%s&' % (arg)
for i in range(len(el)):
if i == 0:
arg = str(el[i])
arg += ',' + str(el[i])
url += 'el=%s&' % (arg)
for i in range(len(radarRange)):
if i == 0:
arg = str(radarRange[i])
arg += ',' + str(radarRange[i])
url += 'range=%s' % (arg)
url += 'az=%f&' % (az)
url += 'el=%f&' % (el)
url += 'range=%f&' % (radarRange)
# remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation
url = url.replace('+', '%2B')
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url))
# check that error was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
# parse output
for line in page:
items = line.split(',')
if len(items) < 3:
# blank line
newList = []
for item in items:
return result
def geodeticToRadar(self,
"""geodeticToRadar converts arrays of points in space to az, el, and range.
Input arguments:
1. slatgd - radar geodetic latitude
2. slon - radar longitude
3. saltgd - radar altitude
4. gdlat - either a single geodetic latitude, or a list of geodetic latitudes
5. glon - either a single longitude, or a list of longitudes. If so, len(gdlat)
must = len(glon)
6. gdalt - either a single deodetic altitude, or a list of geodetic altitudes.
If so, len(gdalt) must = len(gdlat)
A list of lists, where each list contains 3 floats (az, el, and range)
scriptName = ''
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?slatgd'
# append arguments
url += '=%f&slon' % (float(slatgd))
url += '=%f&saltgd' % (float(slon))
url += '=%f&' % (float(saltgd))
if type(gdlat) == list or type(gdlat) == tuple:
if len(gdlat) != len(glon) or len(gdlat) != len(gdalt):
raise ValueError('all lists most have same length')
for i in range(len(gdlat)):
if i == 0:
arg = str(gdlat[i])
arg += ',' + str(gdlat[i])
url += 'gdlat=%s&' % (arg)
for i in range(len(glon)):
if i == 0:
arg = str(glon[i])
arg += ',' + str(glon[i])
url += 'glon=%s&' % (arg)
for i in range(len(gdalt)):
if i == 0:
arg = str(gdalt[i])
arg += ',' + str(gdalt[i])
url += 'gdalt=%s' % (arg)
url += 'gdlat=%f&' % (gdlat)
url += 'glon=%f&' % (glon)
url += 'gdalt=%f&' % (gdalt)
# remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation
url = url.replace('+', '%2B')
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url))
# check that error was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
# parse output
for line in page:
items = line.split(',')
if len(items) < 3:
# blank line
newList = []
for item in items:
return result
def downloadFile(self, filename, destination, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation,
"""downloadFile will download a Cedar file in the specified format.
filename - The absolute filename to as returned via getExperimentFiles.
destination - where the file is to be stored
user_fullname - full name of user making request
user_email - email address of user making request
user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request
format - file format desired. May be 'simple', 'hdf5', 'netCDF4',
'madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar',
'unblockedBinary', or 'ascii'. Default is 'simple'
Simple is a simple ascii space delimited column format.
Simple and hdf5 are recommended since they are standard formats
hdf5 format works for Madrigal 2.6 or later
netCDF4 format works for Madrigal 3.0 or later
madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar',
'unblockedBinary', or 'ascii' no longer supported for Madrigal 3.
fileType = 0
if format not in ('hdf5', 'madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar',
'unblockedBinary', 'ascii', 'simple', 'netCDF4'):
raise ValueError('Illegal format specified: %s' % (str(format)))
if format == 'blockedBinary':
fileType = 1
elif format == 'ncar':
fileType = 2
elif format == 'unblockedBinary':
fileType = 3
elif format == 'simple':
fileType = -1
elif format == 'hdf5':
# verify Madrigal site can handle this argument
if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers):
raise IOError('downloadFile with hdf5 format requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers))
fileType = -2
elif format == 'netCDF4':
# verify Madrigal site can handle this argument
if self.compareVersions('3.0', self._madVers):
raise IOError('downloadFile with netCDF4 format requires Madrigal 3.0 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers))
fileType = -3
fileType = 4
# verify no old formats specified if Madrigal 3
if fileType > 0:
if not self.compareVersions('3.0', self._madVers):
raise IOError('Only Madrigal 2.X sites can create old style files, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers))
url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl,'getMadfile.cgi?fileName=%s&fileType=%i&' % (filename, fileType))
user_fullname = user_fullname.replace(' ','+').strip()
url += 'user_fullname=%s&' % (user_fullname)
user_email = user_email.strip()
url += 'user_email=%s&' % (user_email)
user_affiliation = user_affiliation.replace(' ','+').strip()
url += 'user_affiliation=%s' % (user_affiliation)
CHUNK = 16 * 1024
urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url)
if format in ('ascii', 'simple'):
f = open(destination, 'w')
f = open(destination, 'wb')
if format in ('ascii', 'simple'):
data ='utf8')
# probably gzip ascii - convert
urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url)
f = open(destination + '.gz', 'wb')
format = 'gzip'
data =
data =
if not data:
def listFileTimes(self, expDir=None):
"""listFileTimes lists the filenames and last modification times for all files in a Madrigal database.
Inputs: expDir - experiment directory to which to start. May be any directory or subdirectory below
experiments[0-9]*. Path may be absolute or relative to experiments[0-9]*. If None (the default),
include entire experiments[0-9]* directory(s). Examples: ('/opt/madrigal/experiments/1998',
Returns: a list of tuple of 1. filename relative to experiments[0-9]* directory, and 2) datetime in UT of
last file modification
Requires: Madrigal 2.6 or greater
# verify Madrigal site can call this command
if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers):
raise IOError('listFileTimes requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers))
url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl,'')
if expDir:
url += '?expDir=%s' % (expDir)
urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url)
retList = []
data ='utf-8')
lines = data.split('\n')
for line in lines:
items = line.split(',')
if len(items) != 2:
filename = items[0].strip()[1:-1] # strip off quotes
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(items[1].strip(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
retList.append((filename, dt))
def downloadWebFile(self, expPath, destination):
"""downloadWebFile allows a user to download a axillary file from the web site. Used to
download files found by listFileTimes.
Requires a Madrigal 3.0 site.
expPath - filename relative to experiments[0-9]* directory. As returned by listFileTimes.
destination - path to save file to
# verify Madrigal site can call this command
if self.compareVersions('3.0', self._madVers):
raise IOError('downloadWebFile requires Madrigal 3.0 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers))
url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl,'')
url += '?expPath=%s' % (expPath.replace(' ', '+'))
urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data =
f = open(destination, 'wb')
def traceMagneticField(self, year, month, day, hour, minute,second,
inputType, outputType, alts, lats, lons,
model, qualifier, stopAlt=None):
traceMagneticField returns a point along a magnetic field line for each
point specified by the lists alts, lats, lons.
Traces to either 1) conjugate point, 2) intersection with a given altitude in the
northern or southern hemisphere, 3) to the apex, or 4) to GSM XY plane, depending on qualifier
argument. Uses Tsyganenko or IGRF fields, depending on model argument.
Input arguments are either GSM or Geodetic, depending on inputType argument.
Output arguments are either GSM or Geodetic, depending on outputType
year, month, day, hour, minute, second - time at which to do the trace
inputType - 0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM
outputType - 0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM
The following parameter depend on inputType:
alts - a list of geodetic altitudes or ZGSMs of starting point
lats - a clist of geodetic latitudes or XGSMs of starting point
lons - a list of longitude or YGSM of starting point
Length of all three lists must be the same
model - 0 for Tsyganenko, 1 for IGRF
qualifier - 0 for conjugate, 1 for north_alt, 2 for south_alt, 3 for apex, 4 for GSM XY plane
stopAlt - altitude in km to stop trace at, if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt.
If other qualifier, this parameter is not required. Default is None, which will raise
exception if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt
Returns a tuple of tuples, one tuple for point in (alts, lats, lons) lists, where each tuple has
three items:
1. geodetic altitude or ZGSM of ending point
2. geodetic latitude or XGSM of ending point
3. longitude or YGSM of ending point
If error, traceback includes error description
scriptName = ''
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?'
delimiter = ','
# append arguments
url += 'year=%i&' % (int(year))
url += 'month=%i&' % (int(month))
url += 'day=%i&' % (int(day))
url += 'hour=%i&' % (int(hour))
url += 'min=%i&' % (int(minute))
url += 'sec=%i&' % (int(second))
url += 'inputType=%i&' % (int(inputType))
url += 'outputType=%i&' % (int(outputType))
in1Str = delimiter.join([str(item) for item in alts])
url += 'in1=%s&' % (in1Str)
in2Str = delimiter.join([str(item) for item in lats])
url += 'in2=%s&' % (in2Str)
in3Str = delimiter.join([str(item) for item in lons])
url += 'in3=%s&' % (in3Str)
url += 'model=%i&' % (int(model))
url += 'qualifier=%i&' % (int(qualifier))
if stopAlt == None:
if int(qualifier) in (1,2):
raise ValueError('stopAlt must be set for qualifer in (1,2)')
stopAlt = 0.0
url += 'stopAlt=%s' % (str(stopAlt))
# remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation
url = url.replace('+', '%2B')
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.split('\n')
# parse the result
if len(page) == 0:
raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url))
# check that html was not returned
for line in page:
if line.find('Error occurred') != -1:
raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page))
result = []
for line in page:
items = line.split(',')
if len(items) < 3:
return result
def getVersion(self):
"""getVersion gets the version number of Madrigal in form number dot number etc.
Assumes version is 2.5 if no installed
scriptName = ''
url = self.cgiurl + scriptName
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
# if this fails, must be 2.5
page ='utf-8')
def compareVersions(self, ver1, ver2):
"""compareVersions returns False if ver1 <= ver2, 0 True otherwise
Inputs: version number strings, in form number dot number (any number of dots)
return(distutils.version.LooseVersion(ver1) > distutils.version.LooseVersion(ver2))
def getCitedFilesFromUrl(self, url):
"""getCitedFilesFromUrl returns a list of citations to individual Madrigal file from a group id url
as found in a publication
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.strip().split('\n')
def createCitationGroupFromList(self, citationList, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation):
"""createCitationGroupFromList creates a new group citation given an input
list of citations in the form:
or 'experiments/2014/mlh/16mar13&file_list=mlh130316g.007.hdf5'
citationList - list of citations
user_fullname - full name of user making request
user_email - email address of user making request
user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request
group citation (string)
url = ''
# temp only - until cedar updated
url = ''
user_fullname = user_fullname.replace(' ','+').strip()
url += 'user_fullname=%s&' % (user_fullname)
user_email = user_email.strip()
url += 'user_email=%s&' % (user_email)
user_affiliation = user_affiliation.replace(' ','+').strip()
url += 'user_affiliation=%s&' % (user_affiliation)
for citation in citationList:
if not citation == citationList[-1]:
url += 'url=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(citation))
url += 'url=%s' % (urlparse.quote_plus(citation))
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.strip()
def getCitationListFromFilters(self, startDate, endDate, inst=None, kindat=None,
seasonalStartDate=None, seasonalEndDate=None,
includeNonDefault=False, expName=None, excludeExpName=None,
"""getCitationListFromFilters returns a list of citations using filters similar to globalDownload.
Result can then be used to create citation group using createCitationGroupFromList
startDate: start datetime to filter experiments before in YYYY-MM-DD (required)
endDate: end datetime to filter experiments after in YYYY-MM-DD (required)
inst: a list of instrument codes or names. If None, all instruments used.
For names fnmatch will be used
kindat: a list of kind of data codes or names. If None, all kindats used.
For names fnmatch will be used
seasonalStartDate: in form MM/DD, rejects all days earlier in year. If None,
implies 01/01
seasonalEndDate: in form MM/DD, rejects all days later in year. If None,
implies 12/31
includeNonDefault: if set, include realtime files when there are no default. If False,
implies only default files.
expName: string - filter experiments by the experiment name. fnmatch rules
If None, no filtering by experiment name.
excludeExpName: string - exclude experiments by the experiment name. fnmatch rules
If None, no excluding experiments by experiment name.
fileDesc: filter files using input file Description string via fnmatch.
If None, no filtering by file name
Returns a list with all citations in group, which can be used in createCitationGroupFromList
url = ''
# temp only - until cedar updated
url = ''
url += 'startDate=%s&' % (startDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
url += 'endDate=%s&' % (endDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
if not inst is None:
for thisInst in inst:
url += 'inst=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(str(thisInst)))
if not kindat is None:
for thisKindat in kindat:
url += 'kindat=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(str(thisKindat)))
if not seasonalStartDate is None:
url += 'seasonalStartDate=%s&' % (seasonalStartDate.strip())
if not seasonalEndDate is None:
url += 'seasonalEndDate=%s&' % (seasonalEndDate.strip())
if includeNonDefault:
url += 'includeNonDefault=True&'
if not expName is None:
url += 'expName=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(expName.strip()))
if not excludeExpName is None:
url += 'excludeExpName=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(excludeExpName.strip()))
if not fileDesc is None:
url += 'fileDesc=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(fileDesc.strip()))
# read main url
mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url)
raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url))
page ='utf8')
page = page.strip().split('\n')
class MadrigalInstrument:
"""MadrigalInstrument is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal Instrument.
name (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar'
code (int) Example: 30
mnemonic (3 char string) Example: 'mlh'
latitude (double) Example: 45.0
longitude (double) Example: 110.0
altitude (double) Example: 0.015 (km)
category (string) Example 'Incoherent Scatter Radars'
Non-standard Python modules used: None
Change history:
Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004
def __init__(self, name, code, mnemonic, latitude, longitude, altitude, category='unknown'):
"""__init__ initializes a MadrigalInstrument.
name - (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar'
code - (int, or string that can be converted) Example: 30
mnemonic - (3 char string) Example: 'mlh'
latitude - (double, or string that can be converted) Example: 45.0
longitude (double, or string that can be converted) Example: 110.0
altitude (double, or string that can be converted) Example: 0.015 (km)
category (string) Example: 'Incoherent Scatter Radars'
Returns: void
Affects: Initializes all the class member variables.
Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in.
if not isStringType(name):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalInstrument, name not string type: %s' % (str(name))) = name
self.code = int(code)
if not isStringType(mnemonic):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalInstrument, mnemonic not string type: %s' % (str(mnemonic)))
if len(mnemonic) != 3:
raise ValueError('In MadrigalInstrument, mnemonic not three characters: %s' % (str(mnemonic)))
self.mnemonic = mnemonic.lower()
self.latitude = float(latitude)
self.longitude = float(longitude)
self.altitude = float(altitude)
if not isStringType(category):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalInstrument, category not string type: %s' % (str(category)))
self.category = category
def __str__(self):
"""return a readible form of this object"""
retStr = ''
retStr += 'name: %s\n' % (
retStr += 'code: %s\n' % (str(self.code))
retStr += 'mnemonic: %s\n' % (self.mnemonic)
retStr += 'latitude: %s\n' % (str(self.latitude))
retStr += 'longitude: %s\n' % (str(self.longitude))
retStr += 'altitude: %s\n'% (str(self.altitude))
retStr += 'category: %s\n'% (self.category)
return retStr
class MadrigalExperiment:
"""MadrigalExperiment is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal Experiment.
id (int) Example: 10000111. Uniquely identifies experiment.
realUrl (string) the real url to display this experiment in a web browser.
url (string) Example: ''
Note: this is a an old url that no longer works, but it is the form stored in the metadata.
See realUrl attribute for working url.
name (string) Example: 'Wide Latitude Substorm Study'
siteid (int) Example: 1
sitename (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Observatory'
instcode (int) Code of instrument. Example: 30
instname (string) Instrument name. Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar'
startyear - int
startmonth - int
startday - int
starthour - int
startmin - int
startsec - int
endyear - int
endmonth - int
endday - int
endhour - int
endmin - int
endsec - int
isLocal - True if a local experiment, False if not
madrigalUrl - url of Madrigal site. Used if not a local experiment.
pi - experiment Principal investigator
piEmail - experiment Principal investigator's email
realUrl - working url to experiment (use this instead of url)
uttimestamp - st_mtime of expDir. None if not supported by the Madrigal site
access - access code of the experiment (0 if public, 2 if public). None if not
supported by the Madrigal site.
version - version of Madrigal site where data located in form I.I[.I] where I is an integer
Non-standard Python modules used: None
Change history:
Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004
def __init__(self,
"""__init__ initializes a MadrigalExperiment.
id (int, or string that can be converted) Example: 10000111. Uniquely identifies experiment.
url (string) Example: '' - see
realUrl attribute for an actual url that works in the web
name (string) Example: 'Wide Latitude Substorm Study'
siteid (int, or string that can be converted) Example: 1
sitename (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Observatory'
instcode (int, or string that can be converted) Code of instrument. Example: 30
instname (string) Instrument name. Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar'
startyear - int, or string that can be converted
startmonth - int, or string that can be converted
startday - int, or string that can be converted
starthour - int, or string that can be converted
startmin - int, or string that can be converted
startsec - int, or string that can be converted
endyear - int, or string that can be converted
endmonth - int, or string that can be converted
endday - int, or string that can be converted
endhour - int, or string that can be converted
endmin - int, or string that can be converted
endsec - int, or string that can be converted
isLocal - True if a local experiment, False if not
madrigalUrl - url of Madrigal site. Used if not a local experiment.
pi - experiment PI
piEmail - experiment PI email
uttimestamp - st_mtime of expDir. None if not supported by the Madrigal site
access - access code of the experiment (0 if public, 2 if public). None if not
supported by the Madrigal site.
version - version of Madrigal site where data located in form I.I[.I] where I is an integer
Returns: void
Affects: Initializes all the class member variables.
Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in.
""" = int(id)
if not isStringType(url):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, url not string type: %s' % (str(url)))
self.url = url
if not isStringType(name):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, name not string type: %s' % (str(name))) = name
self.siteid = int(siteid)
if not isStringType(sitename):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, sitename not string type: %s' % (str(sitename)))
self.sitename = sitename
self.instcode = int(instcode)
if not isStringType(instname):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, instname not string type: %s' % (str(instname)))
self.instname = instname
self.startyear = int(startyear)
self.startmonth = int(startmonth)
self.startday = int(startday)
self.starthour = int(starthour)
self.startmin = int(startmin)
self.startsec = int(startsec)
self.endyear = int(endyear)
self.endmonth = int(endmonth)
self.endday = int(endday)
self.endhour = int(endhour)
self.endmin = int(endmin)
self.endsec = int(endsec)
if isLocal not in (True, False):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, isLocal not boolean: %s' % (str(isLocal)))
self.isLocal = isLocal
if not isStringType(madrigalUrl):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, madrigalUrl not string type: %s' % (str(madrigalUrl)))
self.madrigalUrl = madrigalUrl
if not isStringType(pi):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, pi not string type: %s' % (str(pi)))
self.pi = pi
if not isStringType(piEmail):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, piEmail not string type: %s' % (str(piEmail)))
self.piEmail = piEmail
if self.isLocal:
self.realUrl = self._getRealExperimentUrl(version)
self.realUrl = 'Cannot_get_real_url_for_remote_site'
self.uttimestamp = uttimestamp
self.access = access
if not isStringType(version):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, version not string type: %s' % (str(version)))
self.version = version
def _getRealExperimentUrl(self, version):
"""getRealExperimentUrl is a private method that returns the url used in a web browser to see
this experiment's page in full data access interface. Uses to create attribute realUrl.
version - version of Madrigal site where data located in form I.I[.I] where I is an integer
real url depends on Madrigal version
version_list = [int(item) for item in version.split('.')]
retStr = ''
index = self.url.find('/madtoc/')
if version_list[0] == 2:
retStr += self.url[:index] + '/madExperiment.cgi?exp='
retStr += self.url[index+8:] + '&displayLevel=0&expTitle='
retStr += urlparse.quote_plus( # python3
except AttributeError:
retStr += urllib.quote_plus('utf8')) # python2
retStr += self.url[:index] + '/showExperiment/?experiment_list=%i' % (
def __str__(self):
"""return a readible form of this object"""
retStr = ''
retStr += 'id: %s\n' % (str(
retStr += 'realUrl: %s\n' % (self.realUrl)
retStr += 'url: %s\n' % (self.url)
retStr += 'name: %s\n' % (
retStr += 'siteid: %s\n' % (str(self.siteid))
retStr += 'sitename: %s\n' % (self.sitename)
retStr += 'instcode: %s\n'% (str(self.instcode))
retStr += 'instname: %s\n' % (self.instname)
retStr += 'startyear: %s\n' % (str(self.startyear))
retStr += 'startmonth: %s\n'% (str(self.startmonth))
retStr += 'startday: %s\n' % (str(self.startday))
retStr += 'starthour: %s\n'% (str(self.starthour))
retStr += 'startmin: %s\n' % (str(self.startmin))
retStr += 'startsec: %s\n'% (str(self.startsec))
retStr += 'endyear: %s\n' % (str(self.endyear))
retStr += 'endmonth: %s\n'% (str(self.endmonth))
retStr += 'endday: %s\n' % (str(self.endday))
retStr += 'endhour: %s\n'% (str(self.endhour))
retStr += 'endmin: %s\n' % (str(self.endmin))
retStr += 'endsec: %s\n'% (str(self.endsec))
retStr += 'isLocal: %s\n' % (str(self.isLocal))
retStr += 'madrigalUrl: %s\n'% (self.madrigalUrl)
retStr += 'PI: %s\n'% (self.pi)
retStr += 'PIEmail: %s\n'% (self.piEmail)
retStr += 'uttimestamp: %s\n'% (str(self.uttimestamp))
retStr += 'access: %s\n'% (str(self.access))
retStr += 'Madrigal version: %s\n'% (self. version)
return retStr
def __cmp__(self, other):
""" __cmp__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects.
Compared by start time, then by end time.
dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday,
self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec)
dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday,
other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec)
result = cmp(dt1, dt2)
if result != 0:
dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday,
self.endhour, self.endmin, self.endsec)
dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.endyear, other.endmonth, other.endday,
other.endhour, other.endmin, other.endsec)
return(cmp(dt1, dt2))
def __eq__(self, other):
""" __eq__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects for equality.
Compared by start time and end time.
dt1s = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday,
self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec)
dt2s = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday,
other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec)
dt1e = datetime.datetime(self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday,
self.endhour, self.endmin, self.endsec)
dt2e = datetime.datetime(other.endyear, other.endmonth, other.endday,
other.endhour, other.endmin, other.endsec)
return(dt1s == dt2s and dt1e == dt2e)
def __ne__(self, other):
""" __ne__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects for inequality.
Simply the inverse of __eq__
return(not(self.__eq__(self, other)))
def __lt__(self, other):
""" __lt__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects.
Compared by start time only
dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday,
self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec)
dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday,
other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec)
return (dt1 < dt2)
def __le__(self, other):
""" __le__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects.
Compared by start time only
dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday,
self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec)
dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday,
other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec)
return (dt1 <= dt2)
def __gt__(self, other):
""" __gt__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects.
Compared by start time only
dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday,
self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec)
dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday,
other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec)
return (dt1 > dt2)
def __ge__(self, other):
""" __ge__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects.
Compared by start time only
dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday,
self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec)
dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday,
other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec)
return (dt1 >= dt2)
class MadrigalExperimentFile:
"""MadrigalExperimentFile is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal ExperimentFile.
name (string) Example '/opt/mdarigal/blah/mlh980120g.001'
kindat (int) Kindat code. Example: 3001
kindatdesc (string) Kindat description: Example 'Basic Derived Parameters'
category (int) (1=default, 2=variant, 3=history, 4=real-time)
status (string)('preliminary', 'final', or any other description)
permission (int) 0 for public, 1 for private
expId - experiment id of the experiment this MadrigalExperimentFile belongs in
doi - digital object identifier - citable url to file - or None if not found
Non-standard Python modules used: None
Change history:
Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004
def __init__(self, name, kindat, kindatdesc, category, status, permission, expId = None, doi=None):
"""__init__ initializes a MadrigalExperimentFile.
name - (string) Example '/opt/mdarigal/blah/mlh980120g.001'
kindat - (int, or string that can be converted) Kindat code. Example: 3001
kindatdesc - (string) Kindat description: Example 'Basic Derived Parameters'
category - (int, or string that can be converted) (1=default, 2=variant, 3=history, 4=real-time)
status - (string)('preliminary', 'final', or any other description)
permission - (int, or string that can be converted) 0 for public, 1 for private
expId - experiment id of the experiment this MadrigalExperimentFile belongs in
doi - digital object identifier - citable url to file. Default is None
Returns: void
Affects: Initializes all the class member variables.
Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in.
if not isStringType(name):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperimentFile, name not string type: %s' % (str(name))) = name
self.kindat = int(kindat)
if not isStringType(kindatdesc):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperimentFile, kindatdesc not string type: %s' % (str(kindatdesc)))
self.kindatdesc = kindatdesc
self.category = int(category)
if not isStringType(status):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperimentFile, status not string type: %s' % (str(status)))
self.status = status
self.permission = int(permission)
if expId == None:
self.expId = None
self.expId = int(expId)
if not isStringType(doi) and not doi is None:
raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperimentFile, doi not string type or None: %s' % (str(doi)))
self.doi = doi
def __str__(self):
"""return a readable form of this object"""
retStr = ''
retStr += 'name: %s\n' % (
retStr += 'kindat: %s\n' % (str(self.kindat))
retStr += 'kindatdesc: %s\n' % (self.kindatdesc)
retStr += 'category: %s\n' % (str(self.category))
retStr += 'status: %s\n' % (self.status)
retStr += 'permission: %s\n'% (str(self.permission))
retStr += 'expId: %s\n'% (str(self.expId))
retStr += 'doi: %s\n'% (self.doi)
return retStr
class MadrigalParameter:
"""MadrigalParameter is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal Parameter.
mnemonic (string) Example 'dti'
description (string) Example: "F10.7 Multiday average observed (Ott)"
isError (int) 1 if error parameter, 0 if not
units (string) Example "W/m2/Hz"
isMeasured (int) 1 if measured, 0 if derivable
category (string) Example: "Time Related Parameter"
isSure (int) - 1 if parameter can be found for every record, 0 if can only be found for some
isAddIncrement - 1 if additional increment, 0 if normal, -1 if unknown (this capability
only added with Madrigal 2.5)
Non-standard Python modules used: None
Change history:
Written by "Bill Rideout" Aug. 8, 2005
def __init__(self, mnemonic, description, isError, units, isMeasured, category, isSure, isAddIncrement):
"""__init__ initializes a MadrigalParameter.
mnemonic (string) Example 'dti'
description (string) Example: "F10.7 Multiday average observed (Ott)"
isError (int) 1 if error parameter, 0 if not
units (string) Example "W/m2/Hz"
isMeasured (int) 1 if measured, 0 if derivable
category (string) Example: "Time Related Parameter"
isSure (int) - 1 if parameter can be found for every record, 0 if can only be found for some
isAddIncrement - 1 if additional increment, 0 if normal, -1 if unknown (this capability
only added with Madrigal 2.5)
Returns: void
Affects: Initializes all the class member variables.
Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in.
if not isStringType(mnemonic):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalParameter, mnemonic not string type: %s' % (str(mnemonic)))
self.mnemonic = mnemonic
if not isStringType(description):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalParameter, description not string type: %s' % (str(description)))
self.description = description
self.isError = int(isError)
if not isStringType(units):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalParameter, units not string type: %s' % (str(units)))
self.units = units
self.isMeasured = int(isMeasured)
if not isStringType(category):
raise ValueError('In MadrigalParameter, category not string type: %s' % (str(category)))
self.category = category
self.isSure = int(isSure)
self.isAddIncrement = int(isAddIncrement)
def __str__(self):
"""return a readible form of this object"""
retStr = ''
retStr += 'mnemonic: %s\n' % (self.mnemonic)
retStr += 'description: %s\n' % (self.description)
retStr += 'isError: %s\n' % (str(self.isError))
retStr += 'units: %s\n' % (self.units)
retStr += 'isMeasured: %s\n' % (str(self.isMeasured))
retStr += 'category: %s\n'% (self.category)
retStr += 'isSure: %s\n'% (str(self.isSure))
retStr += 'isAddIncrement: %s\n'% (str(self.isAddIncrement))
return retStr
if __name__ == '__main__':
testInst = MadrigalInstrument("Millstone Hill AMISR Radar", '33', 'Mlh', 45.0, 110.0, '0.015')
testExp = MadrigalExperiment('10000111',
"World day",
testExpFile = MadrigalExperimentFile("/opt/madrigal/blah/mlh980120g.001", '33', 'Blah blah', '2', 'final', '0')
testData = MadrigalData('http://grail/madrigal/')
# save a file
instList = testData.getAllInstruments()
for inst in instList:
expList = testData.getExperiments(20, 1960,1,1,0,0,0,2005,1,1,0,0,0)
for exp in expList:
fileList = testData.getExperimentFiles(expList[0].id)
for file in fileList:
print(('Parameter list for %s' % (
parmList = testData.getExperimentFileParameters(
for parm in parmList:
print((str(parm) + '\n'))
'Bill Rideout', '', 'MIT Haystack')
'gdalt,ti', 'filter=gdalt,500,600 filter=ti,1000,2000','Bill Rideout',
'', 'MIT Haystack')))
result = testData.madCalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0,45,55,5,-170,-150,10,200,200,0,'bmag,bn')
for line in result:
result = testData.madTimeCalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0,
24.0, 'kp,dst')
for line in result:
print('test of radarToGeodetic with arg 42,-70,0.1,(0,90),(45,45),(1000,1000):')
result = testData.radarToGeodetic(42,-70,0.1,(0,90),(45,45),(1000,1000))
print('test of radarToGeodetic with arg 42,-70,0.1,90, 45, 1000:')
result = testData.radarToGeodetic(42,-70,0.1,90,45,1000)
print('test of geodeticToRadar with arg 42,-70,0.1,(50,60),(-70,-70),(1000,1000):')
result = testData.geodeticToRadar(42,-70,0.1,(50,60),(-70,-70),(1000,1000))
print('test of geodeticToRadar with arg 42,-70,0.1,50, -70, 1000:')
result = testData.geodeticToRadar(42,-70,0.1,50,-70,1000)
print('test of traceMagneticField with args 1999,2,15,12,30,0,0,0,[300], [42], [-71],1,1,200')
result = testData.traceMagneticField(1999,2,15,12,30,0,0,0,[300], [42], [-71],1,1,200)
def isStringType(input)
isStringType is a method designed to work with both python 2 and 3 to test for string type
Expand source code
def isStringType(input): """isStringType is a method designed to work with both python 2 and 3 to test for string type """ if type(input) == str: return(True) try: if type(input) == unicode: return(True) except: return(False) return(False)
class MadrigalData (url)
MadrigalData is a class that acquires data from a particular Madrigal site.
Usage example::
import madrigalWeb.madrigalWeb test = madrigalWeb.madrigalWeb.MadrigalData('') instList = test.getInstrumentList()
Non-standard Python modules used: None
Change history:
Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004
init initializes a MadrigalData object.
url - (string) url of main page of madrigal site. Example: ''
Affects: Converts main page to cgi url, and stores that.
Also stores self.siteDict, with key = site id, value= site url, and self.siteId
Exceptions: If url not found.
Expand source code
class MadrigalData: """MadrigalData is a class that acquires data from a particular Madrigal site. Usage example:: import madrigalWeb.madrigalWeb test = madrigalWeb.madrigalWeb.MadrigalData('') instList = test.getInstrumentList() Non-standard Python modules used: None Change history: Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004 """ def __init__(self, url): """__init__ initializes a MadrigalData object. Inputs:: url - (string) url of main page of madrigal site. Example: '' Affects: Converts main page to cgi url, and stores that. Also stores self.siteDict, with key = site id, value= site url, and self.siteId Exceptions: If url not found. """ cgiName = 'accessData.cgi' regExp = re.compile('".*' + cgiName) # get base of url urlParts = urlparse.urlparse(url) urlBase = urlParts[0] + '://' + urlParts[1] # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf-8') mainUrl.close() result = # check for success if result == None: raise ValueError('invalid url: ' + str(url)) result = if type(result) in (list, tuple): result = result[0] self.cgiurl = urlBase + result[1:(-1*len(cgiName))] try: self.siteDict = self.__getSiteDict() except: self.cgiurl = url if not self.cgiurl[-1] == '/': self.cgiurl += '/' self.siteDict = self.__getSiteDict() self.siteId = self.__getSiteId() # get Madrigal version self._madVers = self.getVersion() def __getSiteDict(self): """__getSiteDict returns a dictionary with key = site id, value= site url. Uses getMetadata cgi script """ url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl, 'getMetadata?fileType=5') f = urllib2.urlopen(url) page ='utf-8') f.close() lines = page.split('\n') siteDict = {} for line in lines: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 4: continue site = int(items[0]) thisUrl = 'http://%s/%s' % (items[2], items[3]) siteDict[site] = thisUrl return siteDict def __getSiteId(self): """__getSiteId returns the local site id Uses getMetadata cgi script """ url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl, 'getMetadata?fileType=0') f = urllib2.urlopen(url) page ='utf-8') f.close() lines = page.split('\n') for line in lines: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 4: continue siteId = int(items[3]) return(siteId) raise IOError('No siteId found') def getAllInstruments(self): """ returns a list of all MadrigalInstruments at the given Madrigal site""" scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that html was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 5: continue if len(items) > 6: category = items[6] else: category = 'unknown' result.append(MadrigalInstrument(items[0], items[1], items[2], items[3], items[4], items[5], category)) return result def getExperiments(self, code, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, local=1): """ returns a list of all MadrigalExperiments that meet criteria at the given Madrigal site Inputs: code - int or list of ints representing instrument code(s). Special value of 0 selects all instruments. startyear - int or string convertable to int startmonth - int or string convertable to int startday - int or string convertable to int starthour - int or string convertable to int startmin - int or string convertable to int startsec - int or string convertable to int endyear - int or string convertable to int endmonth - int or string convertable to int endday - int or string convertable to int endhour - int or string convertable to int endmin - int or string convertable to int endsec - int or string convertable to int local - 0 if all sites desired, 1 (default) if only local experiments desired Outputs: List of MadrigalExperiment objects that meet the criteria. Note that if the returned MadrigalExperiment is not local, the experiment id will be -1. This means that you will need to create a new MadrigalData object with the url of the non-local experiment (MadrigalExperiment.madrigalUrl), and then call getExperiments a second time using that Madrigal url. This is because while Madrigal sites share metadata about experiments, the real experiment ids are only known by the individual Madrigal sites. See examples/ for an example of this. """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?' # first append code(s) if type(code) == list: for item in code: url += 'code=%i&' % (int(item)) else: url += 'code=%i&' % (int(code)) # append times url += 'startyear=%i&' % (int(startyear)) url += 'startmonth=%i&' % (int(startmonth)) url += 'startday=%i&' % (int(startday)) url += 'starthour=%i&' % (int(starthour)) url += 'startmin=%i&' % (int(startmin)) url += 'startsec=%i&' % (int(startsec)) url += 'endyear=%i&' % (int(endyear)) url += 'endmonth=%i&' % (int(endmonth)) url += 'endday=%i&' % (int(endday)) url += 'endhour=%i&' % (int(endhour)) url += 'endmin=%i&' % (int(endmin)) url += 'endsec=%i&' % (int(endsec)) url += 'local=%i'% (int(local)) # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8', errors='replace') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: return [] # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] for line in page: items = line.split(',') # calculate isLocal if len(items) < 20: continue if int(items[3]) == self.siteId: isLocal = True else: isLocal = False if isLocal: expIdStr = items[0] else: expIdStr = '-1' if len(items) > 21: pi = items[20] piEmail = items[21] else: pi = 'unknown' piEmail = 'unknown' if len(items) > 23: uttimestamp = int(items[22]) access = int(items[23]) else: uttimestamp = None access = None result.append(MadrigalExperiment(expIdStr, items[1], items[2], items[3], items[4], items[5], items[6], items[7], items[8], items[9], items[10], items[11], items[12], items[13], items[14], items[15], items[16], items[17], items[18], isLocal, self.siteDict[int(items[3])], pi, piEmail, uttimestamp, access, self._madVers)) return result def getExperimentFiles(self, id, getNonDefault=False): """ returns a list of all default MadrigalExperimentFiles for a given experiment id Inputs: id - Experiment id. getNonDefault - if False (the default), only get default files, or realtime files if no default files found. If True, get all files. In general, users should set this to False because default files are the most reliable. Outputs: List of MadrigalExperimentFile objects for that experiment id """ scriptName = '' if int(id) == -1: err_str = """Illegal experiment id -1. This is usually caused by calling getExperiments with the isLocal flag set to 0. To get the experiment id for a non-local experiment, you will need to create a new MadrigalData object with the url of the non-local experiment (MadrigalExperiment.madrigalUrl), and then call getExperiments a second time using that Madrigal url. This is because while Madrigal sites share metadata about experiments, the real experiment ids are only known by the individual Madrigal sites. See examples/ for an example of this. """ raise ValueError(err_str) url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?id=%i' % (int(id)) # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: return [] # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # find out if no default files. If so, return realtime also hasDefault = False for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 4: continue if int(items[3]) == 1: hasDefault = True break for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 4: continue category = int(items[3]) if hasDefault and category != 1 and not getNonDefault: continue if not hasDefault and category != 4 and not getNonDefault: continue if len(items) > 6: doi = items[6] else: doi = None result.append(MadrigalExperimentFile(items[0], items[1], items[2], items[3], items[4], items[5], id, doi)) return result def getExperimentFileParameters(self,fullFilename): """ getExperimentFileParameters returns a list of all measured and derivable parameters in file Inputs: fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by getExperimentFiles. Outputs: List of MadrigalParameter objects for that fullFilename. Includes both measured and derivable parameters in file. """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?filename=%s' % (str(fullFilename)) # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: return [] # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] for line in page: items = line.split('\\') # with Madrigal 2.5, isAddIncrement was added as 8th column if len(items) < 7: continue try: isAddIncrement = int(items[7]) except: isAddIncrement = -1 result.append(MadrigalParameter(items[0], items[1], int(items[2]), items[3], int(items[4]), items[5], int(items[6]), isAddIncrement)) return result def simplePrint(self, filename, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation): """simplePrint prints the data in the given file is a simple ascii format. simplePrint prints only the parameters in the file, without filters or derived parameters. To choose which parameters to print, to print derived parameters, or to filter the data, use isprint instead. Inputs: filename - The absolute filename to be printed. Returned by getExperimentFiles. user_fullname - full name of user making request user_email - email address of user making request user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request Returns: string representing all data in the file in ascii, space-delimited form. The first line if the list of parameters printed. The first six parameters will always be year, month, day, hour, min, sec, representing the middle time of the measurment. """ parms = self.getExperimentFileParameters(filename) parmStr = 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec' labelStr = 'YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MIN SEC ' for parm in parms: if parm.isMeasured and parm.isAddIncrement != 1: parmStr += ',%s' % (parm.mnemonic) thisLabel = parm.mnemonic[:11].upper() labelStr += '%s%s' % (thisLabel, ' '*(11-len(thisLabel))) retStr = '%s\n' % (labelStr) retStr += self.isprint(filename, parmStr, '', user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation) return(retStr) def isprint(self, filename, parms, filters, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, outputFile=None): """returns as a string the isprint output given filename, parms, filters without headers or summary. Inputs: filename - The absolute filename to be analyzed by isprint. parms - Comma delimited string listing requested parameters (no spaces allowed). filters - Space delimited string listing filters desired, as in isprint command user_fullname - full name of user making request user_email - email address of user making request user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request outputFile - if not None, download the results to outputFile. If outputFile has an extension of .h5, .hdf, or .hdf5, will download in Madrigal Hdf5 format. If it has a .nc extension, will download as netCDF4. Otherwise, it will download as column delimited ascii. Trying to save as Hdf5 or netCDF4 with a Madrigal 2 site will raise an exception Returns: a string holding the isprint output """ scriptName = '' # build the complete cgi string, replacing characters as required by cgi standard url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?' url += 'file=%s&' % (filename.replace('/', '%2F')) if parms.find(' ') != -1: parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces parms = parms.replace('+','%2B') parms = parms.replace(',','+') url += 'parms=%s&' % (parms) filters = filters.replace('=','%3D') filters = filters.replace(',','%2C') filters = filters.replace('/','%2F') filters = filters.replace('+','%2B') filters = filters.replace(' ','+') url += 'filters=%s&' % (filters) user_fullname = user_fullname.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_fullname=%s&' % (user_fullname) user_email = user_email.strip() url += 'user_email=%s&' % (user_email) user_affiliation = user_affiliation.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_affiliation=%s' % (user_affiliation) if not outputFile is None: url += '&output=%s' % (os.path.basename(outputFile)) filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(outputFile) if file_extension in ('.hdf5', '.h5', '.hdf'): format = 'Hdf5' elif file_extension in ('.nc',): format = 'netCDF4' else: format = 'ascii' # if Hdf5 or netCDF4, make sure site is 3 or greater if format in ('Hdf5', 'netCDF4'): version = self.getVersion() if distutils.version.LooseVersion(version) < distutils.version.LooseVersion('3.0'): raise ValueError('Madrigal site at %s is below 3.0, cannot convert to Hdf5 or netCDF4' % (self.cgiurl)) else: format = 'ascii' # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) if format == 'ascii': page ='utf-8') else: page = mainUrl.close() if format == 'ascii': if page.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url)) if outputFile is None: return page else: if format == 'ascii': f = open(outputFile, 'w') else: f = open(outputFile, 'wb') f.write(page) f.close() def madCalculator(self, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, startLat, endLat, stepLat, startLong, endLong, stepLong, startAlt, endAlt, stepAlt, parms, oneDParmList=[], oneDParmValues=[]): """ Input arguments: 1. year - int 2. month - int 3. day - int 4. hour - int 5. min - int 6. sec - int 7. startLat - Starting geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float) 8. endLat - Ending geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float) 9. stepLat - Latitude step (0.1 to 90) (float) 10. startLong - Starting geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float) 11. endLong - Ending geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float) 12. stepLong - Longitude step (0.1 to 180) (float) 13. startAlt - Starting geodetic altitude, >= 0 (float) 14. endAlt - Ending geodetic altitude, > 0 (float) 15. stepAlt - Altitude step (>= 0.1) (float) 16. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired 17. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics. Defaults to empty list. 18. oneDParmValues - a list of values (doubles) associated with the one-D parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list. Returns: A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 3 + number of parameters doubles. The first three doubles are the input latitude, longitude, and altitude. The rest of the doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan. Example: result = testData.madCalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0,45,55,5,-170,-150,10,200,200,0,'bmag,bn') result = [ [45.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.1315700000000002e-05, 2.1013500000000001e-05] [45.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.2336899999999998e-05, 2.03685e-05] [45.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.3856400000000002e-05, 1.97411e-05] [50.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.3913599999999999e-05, 1.9639999999999998e-05] [50.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.4890099999999999e-05, 1.8870999999999999e-05] [50.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.6337800000000002e-05, 1.80077e-05] [55.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.6397899999999998e-05, 1.78115e-05] [55.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.7265400000000003e-05, 1.6932500000000001e-05] [55.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.85495e-05, 1.5865399999999999e-05] ] Columns: gdlat glon gdalt bmag bn """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?year' if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues): raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)') if parms.find(' ') != -1: parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces # append arguments url += '=%i&month' % (int(year)) url += '=%i&day' % (int(month)) url += '=%i&hour' % (int(day)) url += '=%i&min' % (int(hour)) url += '=%i&sec' % (int(min)) url += '=%i&startLat' % (int(sec)) url += '=%f&endLat' % (float(startLat)) url += '=%f&stepLat' % (float(endLat)) url += '=%f&startLong' % (float(stepLat)) url += '=%f&endLong' % (float(startLong)) url += '=%f&stepLong' % (float(endLong)) url += '=%f&startAlt' % (float(stepLong)) url += '=%f&endAlt' % (float(startAlt)) url += '=%f&stepAlt' % (float(endAlt)) url += '=%f&parms' % (float(stepAlt)) url += '=%s' % (parms) for i in range(len(oneDParmList)): url += '&oneD=%s,%s' % (str(oneDParmList[i]), str(oneDParmValues[i])) # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation url = url.replace('+', '%2B') # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # parse output for line in page: items = line.split() if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue newList = [] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result def madCalculator2(self, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, latList, lonList, altList, parms, oneDParmList=[], oneDParmValues=[], twoDParmList = [], twoDParmValues = []): """ madCalculator2 is similar to madCalculator, except that a random collection of points in space can be specified, rather than a grid of points. Also, a user can input 2D data. Added to Madrigal2.6 as web service - will not run on earlier Madrigal installations. Input arguments: 1. year - int 2. month - int 3. day - int 4. hour - int 5. min - int 6. sec - int 7. latList - a list of geodetic latitudes, -90 to 90 8. lonList - a list of longitudes, -180 to 180. Length must = lats 9. altList - a list of geodetic altitudes in km. Length must = lats 10. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired 11. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics. Defaults to empty list. 12. oneDParmValues - a list of values (doubles) associated with the one-D parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list. 13. twoDParmList - a python list of two-D parameters as mnemonics. Defaults to []. 14. twoDParmValues - a python list of lists of len = len(twoDParmList). Each individual list is a list of doubles representing values of the two-D parameter set in twoDParmList, with a length = number of points (or equal to len(lats)). Defaults to []. Returns: A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 3 + number of parameters doubles. The first three doubles are the input latitude, longitude, and altitude. The rest of the doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan. Example: result = testData.madCalculator2(1999,2,15,12,30,0,[45,55],[-170,-150],[200,300],'sdwht,kp') result = [ [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 45.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 13.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 13.0, 15.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] ] Columns: gdlat glon gdalt sdwht kp Now uses POST to avoid long url issue """ # verify Madrigal site can call this command if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers): raise IOError('madCalculator2 requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) scriptName = '' if parms.find(' ') != -1: parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces url = self.cgiurl + scriptName # error checking if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues): raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)') if len(latList) == 0: raise ValueError('length of latList must be at least one') if len(latList) != len(lonList) or len(latList) != len(altList): raise ValueError('lengths of latList, lonList, altList must all be equal') if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues): raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)') postUrl = 'year' # append arguments delimiter = ',' postUrl += '=%i&month' % (int(year)) postUrl += '=%i&day' % (int(month)) postUrl += '=%i&hour' % (int(day)) postUrl += '=%i&min' % (int(hour)) postUrl += '=%i&sec' % (int(min)) postUrl += '=%i&lats=' % (int(sec)) for i in range(len(latList)): postUrl += str(latList[i]) if i + 1 < len(latList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&longs=' for i in range(len(lonList)): postUrl += str(lonList[i]) if i + 1 < len(lonList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&alts=' for i in range(len(altList)): postUrl += str(altList[i]) if i + 1 < len(altList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&parms=%s' % (parms) for i in range(len(oneDParmList)): postUrl += '&oneD=%s,%s' % (str(oneDParmList[i]), str(oneDParmValues[i])) for i in range(len(twoDParmList)): postUrl += '&twoD=%s,' % (str(twoDParmList[i])) for j in range(len(twoDParmValues[i])): postUrl += str(twoDParmValues[i][j]) if j + 1 < len(twoDParmValues[i]): postUrl += ',' # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation postUrl = postUrl.replace('+', '%2B') data = postUrl.encode("utf-8") # read main url try: req = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data=data) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str((url, postUrl))) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') response.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # parse output for line in page: items = line.split() if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue newList = [] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result def madCalculator3(self, yearList, monthList, dayList, hourList, minList, secList, latList, lonList, altList, parms, oneDParmList=[], oneDParmValues=[], twoDParmList = [], twoDParmValues = []): """ madCalculator3 is similar to madCalculator, except that multiple times can be specified, where each time can have its own unique spatial positions and 1D and 2D parms. It is equivalent to multiple calls to madCalculator2, except that it should greatly improve performance where multiple calls to madCalculator2 are required for different times. The only restriction is that the same parameters must be requested for every time. Added to Madrigal2.6 as web service - will not run on earlier Madrigal installations. Now uses POST to send arguments, due to large volume of data possible Input arguments: 1. yearList - a list of years, one for each time requested (ints) 2. monthList - a list of months, one for each time requested. (ints) 3. dayList - a list of days, one for each time requested. (ints) 4. hourList - a list of hours, one for each time requested. (ints) 5. minList - a list of minutes, one for each time requested. (ints) 6. secList - a list of seconds, one for each time requested. (ints) 7. latList - a list of lists of geodetic latitudes, -90 to 90. The first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc. The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number of times must match yearList. Data organization: latList[timeIndex][positionIndex] 8. lonList - a list of lists of longitudes, -180 to 180. The first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc. The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number of times must match yearList. Lens must match latList Data organization: lonList[timeIndex][positionIndex] 9. altList - a list of lists of geodetic altitudes in km. The first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc. The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number of times must match yearList. Lens must match latList Data organization: altList[timeIndex][positionIndex] 10. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired 11. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics. Defaults to empty list. 12. oneDParmValues - a list of lists of values (doubles) associated with the one-D parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list. The first list is for the first 1D parameter in oneDParmList, and must be on length len(yearList). The second list is for the second parameter, etc. Data organization: onDParmValues[parameterIndex][timeIndex] 13. twoDParmList - a python list of of two-D parameters as mnemonics. Defaults to []. 14. twoDParmValues - a list of lists of lists of values (doubles) associated with the two-D parameters specified in twoDParmList. Defaults to empty list. The first list is for the first 2D parameter in oneDParmList, and must be a list of length len(yearList). Each list in that list must be of len(num positions for that time). The second list is for the second parameter, etc. Data organization: twoDParmValues[parameterIndex][timeIndex][positionIndex] Returns: A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 9 + number of parameters doubles. The first nine doubles are: 1) year, 2) month, 3) day, 4) hour, 5) minute, 6) second, 7) input latitude, 8) longitude, and 9) altitude. The rest of the doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan. Example: testData.madCalculator3(yearList=[2001,2001], monthList=[3,3], dayList=[19,20], hourList=[12,12], minList=[30,40], secList=[20,0], latList=[[45,46,47,48.5],[46,47,48.2,49,50]], lonList=[[-70,-71,-72,-73],[-70,-71,-72,-73,-74]], altList=[[145,200,250,300.5],[200,250,300,350,400]], parms='bmag,pdcon,ne_model', oneDParmList=['kinst','elm'], oneDParmValues=[[31.0,31.0],[45.0,50.0]], twoDParmList=['ti','te','ne'], twoDParmValues=[[[1000,1000,1000,1000],[1000,1000,1000,1000,1000]], [[1100,1200,1300,1400],[1500,1000,1100,1200,1300]], [[1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10],[1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10]]]) Columns: year month day hour minute second gdlat glon gdalt bmag pdcon ne_model """ # verify Madrigal site can call this command if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers): raise IOError('madCalculator3 requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName postUrl = '' # error checking try: totalTimes = len(yearList) except: raise ValueError('yearList must be a list, not %s' % (str(yearList))) if len(monthList) != totalTimes or \ len(dayList) != totalTimes or \ len(hourList) != totalTimes or \ len(minList) != totalTimes or \ len(secList) != totalTimes: raise ValueError('Not all time lists have same length') if parms.find(' ') != -1: parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces # add time arguments postUrl += 'year=' for i, year in enumerate(yearList): postUrl += '%i' % (year) if i+1 < len(yearList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&month=' for i, month in enumerate(monthList): postUrl += '%i' % (month) if i+1 < len(monthList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&day=' for i, day in enumerate(dayList): postUrl += '%i' % (day) if i+1 < len(dayList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&hour=' for i, hour in enumerate(hourList): postUrl += '%i' % (hour) if i+1 < len(hourList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&min=' for i, minute in enumerate(minList): postUrl += '%i' % (minute) if i+1 < len(minList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&sec=' for i, sec in enumerate(secList): postUrl += '%i' % (sec) if i+1 < len(secList): postUrl += ',' # get numPos list from latList numPos = [] for lats in latList: numPos.append(len(lats)) postUrl += '&numPos=' for i, pos in enumerate(numPos): postUrl += '%i' % (pos) if i+1 < len(numPos): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&lats=' for i, posList in enumerate(latList): if len(posList) != numPos[i]: raise ValueError('mismatched number of points in latList') for j, pos in enumerate(posList): postUrl += '%f' % (pos) if i+1 < len(latList) or j+1 < len(posList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&longs=' for i, posList in enumerate(lonList): if len(posList) != numPos[i]: raise ValueError('mismatched number of points in lonList') for j, pos in enumerate(posList): postUrl += '%f' % (pos) if i+1 < len(lonList) or j+1 < len(posList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&alts=' for i, posList in enumerate(altList): if len(posList) != numPos[i]: raise ValueError('mismatched number of points in altList') for j, pos in enumerate(posList): postUrl += '%f' % (pos) if i+1 < len(altList) or j+1 < len(posList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&parms=%s' % (parms) if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues): raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)') for i, parm in enumerate(oneDParmList): postUrl += '&oneD=%s,' % (str(parm)) if len(oneDParmValues[i]) != totalTimes: raise ValueError('wrong number of 1D parms for %s' % (str(parm))) for j, value in enumerate(oneDParmValues[i]): postUrl += '%f' % (value) if j+1 < len(oneDParmValues[i]): postUrl += ',' for i, parm in enumerate(twoDParmList): postUrl += '&twoD=%s,' % (str(parm)) if len(twoDParmValues[i]) != totalTimes: raise ValueError('wrong number of 2D parms for %s' % (str(parm))) for j, valueList in enumerate(twoDParmValues[i]): if len(valueList) != numPos[j]: raise ValueError('wrong number of 2D parms for %s' % (str(parm))) for k, value in enumerate(valueList): postUrl += '%f' % (value) if j+1 < len(twoDParmValues[i]) or k+1 < len(valueList): postUrl += ',' # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation postUrl = postUrl.replace('+', '%2B') data = postUrl.encode('utf8') # read main url try: req = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data=data) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str((url, postUrl))) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') response.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # time data to add to each line year=None month=None day=None hour=None minute=None second=None for line in page: items = line.split() if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue if line.find('TIME') != -1: # new time found dates=items[1].split('/') year = int(dates[2]) month = int(dates[0]) day = int(dates[1]) times=items[2].split(':') hour = int(times[0]) minute = int(times[1]) second = int(times[2]) continue newList = [year,month,day,hour,minute,second] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result def madTimeCalculator(self, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, stephours, parms): """ Input arguments: 1. startyear - int 2. startmonth - int 3. startday - int 4. starthour - int 5. startmin - int 6. startsec - int 7. endyear - int 8. endmonth - int 9. endday - int 10. endhour - int 11. endmin - int 12. endsec - int 13. stephours - float - number of hours per time step 14. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired (must not depend on location) Returns: A list of lists, where each list contains 6 ints (year, month, day, hour, min, sec) + number of parameters. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan. Example: result = testData.madTestCalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0, 1999,2,20,12,30,0, 24.0, 'kp,dst') result = [[1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 3.0, -9.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 16.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 1.0, -6.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 17.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 4.0, -31.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 18.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 6.7000000000000002, -93.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 19.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 5.2999999999999998, -75.0]] Columns: year, month, day, hour, min, sec, kp, dst """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?startyear' if parms.find(' ') != -1: parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces # append arguments url += '=%i&startmonth' % (int(startyear)) url += '=%i&startday' % (int(startmonth)) url += '=%i&starthour' % (int(startday)) url += '=%i&startmin' % (int(starthour)) url += '=%i&startsec' % (int(startmin)) url += '=%i&endyear' % (int(startsec)) url += '=%i&endmonth' % (int(endyear)) url += '=%i&endday' % (int(endmonth)) url += '=%i&endhour' % (int(endday)) url += '=%i&endmin' % (int(endhour)) url += '=%i&endsec' % (int(endmin)) url += '=%i&stephours' % (int(endsec)) url += '=%f&parms' % (float(stephours)) url += '=%s' % (parms) # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation url = url.replace('+', '%2B') # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # parse output for line in page: items = line.split() if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue newList = [] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result def radarToGeodetic(self, slatgd, slon, saltgd, az, el, radarRange): """radarToGeodetic converts arrays of az, el, and ranges to geodetic locations. Input arguments: 1. slatgd - radar geodetic latitude 2. slon - radar longitude 3. saltgd - radar altitude 4. az - either a single azimuth, or a list of azimuths 5. el - either a single elevation, or a list of elevations. If so, len(el) must = len(az) 6. radarRange - either a single range, or a list of ranges. If so, len(radarRange) must = len(az) Returns: A list of lists, where each list contains 3 floats (gdlat, glon, and gdalt) """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?slatgd' # append arguments url += '=%f&slon' % (float(slatgd)) url += '=%f&saltgd' % (float(slon)) url += '=%f&' % (float(saltgd)) if type(az) == list or type(az) == tuple: if len(az) != len(el) or len(az) != len(radarRange): raise ValueError('all lists most have same length') for i in range(len(az)): if i == 0: arg = str(az[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(az[i]) url += 'az=%s&' % (arg) for i in range(len(el)): if i == 0: arg = str(el[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(el[i]) url += 'el=%s&' % (arg) for i in range(len(radarRange)): if i == 0: arg = str(radarRange[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(radarRange[i]) url += 'range=%s' % (arg) else: url += 'az=%f&' % (az) url += 'el=%f&' % (el) url += 'range=%f&' % (radarRange) # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation url = url.replace('+', '%2B') # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # parse output for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue newList = [] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result def geodeticToRadar(self, slatgd, slon, saltgd, gdlat, glon, gdalt): """geodeticToRadar converts arrays of points in space to az, el, and range. Input arguments: 1. slatgd - radar geodetic latitude 2. slon - radar longitude 3. saltgd - radar altitude 4. gdlat - either a single geodetic latitude, or a list of geodetic latitudes 5. glon - either a single longitude, or a list of longitudes. If so, len(gdlat) must = len(glon) 6. gdalt - either a single deodetic altitude, or a list of geodetic altitudes. If so, len(gdalt) must = len(gdlat) Returns: A list of lists, where each list contains 3 floats (az, el, and range) """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?slatgd' # append arguments url += '=%f&slon' % (float(slatgd)) url += '=%f&saltgd' % (float(slon)) url += '=%f&' % (float(saltgd)) if type(gdlat) == list or type(gdlat) == tuple: if len(gdlat) != len(glon) or len(gdlat) != len(gdalt): raise ValueError('all lists most have same length') for i in range(len(gdlat)): if i == 0: arg = str(gdlat[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(gdlat[i]) url += 'gdlat=%s&' % (arg) for i in range(len(glon)): if i == 0: arg = str(glon[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(glon[i]) url += 'glon=%s&' % (arg) for i in range(len(gdalt)): if i == 0: arg = str(gdalt[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(gdalt[i]) url += 'gdalt=%s' % (arg) else: url += 'gdlat=%f&' % (gdlat) url += 'glon=%f&' % (glon) url += 'gdalt=%f&' % (gdalt) # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation url = url.replace('+', '%2B') # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # parse output for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue newList = [] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result def downloadFile(self, filename, destination, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, format='simple'): """downloadFile will download a Cedar file in the specified format. Inputs: filename - The absolute filename to as returned via getExperimentFiles. destination - where the file is to be stored user_fullname - full name of user making request user_email - email address of user making request user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request format - file format desired. May be 'simple', 'hdf5', 'netCDF4', 'madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar', 'unblockedBinary', or 'ascii'. Default is 'simple' Simple is a simple ascii space delimited column format. Simple and hdf5 are recommended since they are standard formats hdf5 format works for Madrigal 2.6 or later netCDF4 format works for Madrigal 3.0 or later madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar', 'unblockedBinary', or 'ascii' no longer supported for Madrigal 3. """ fileType = 0 if format not in ('hdf5', 'madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar', 'unblockedBinary', 'ascii', 'simple', 'netCDF4'): raise ValueError('Illegal format specified: %s' % (str(format))) if format == 'blockedBinary': fileType = 1 elif format == 'ncar': fileType = 2 elif format == 'unblockedBinary': fileType = 3 elif format == 'simple': fileType = -1 elif format == 'hdf5': # verify Madrigal site can handle this argument if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers): raise IOError('downloadFile with hdf5 format requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) fileType = -2 elif format == 'netCDF4': # verify Madrigal site can handle this argument if self.compareVersions('3.0', self._madVers): raise IOError('downloadFile with netCDF4 format requires Madrigal 3.0 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) fileType = -3 else: fileType = 4 # verify no old formats specified if Madrigal 3 if fileType > 0: if not self.compareVersions('3.0', self._madVers): raise IOError('Only Madrigal 2.X sites can create old style files, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl,'getMadfile.cgi?fileName=%s&fileType=%i&' % (filename, fileType)) user_fullname = user_fullname.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_fullname=%s&' % (user_fullname) user_email = user_email.strip() url += 'user_email=%s&' % (user_email) user_affiliation = user_affiliation.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_affiliation=%s' % (user_affiliation) socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT) CHUNK = 16 * 1024 urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url) if format in ('ascii', 'simple'): f = open(destination, 'w') else: f = open(destination, 'wb') while(True): if format in ('ascii', 'simple'): try: data ='utf8') except: # probably gzip ascii - convert f.close() try: os.remove(destination) except: pass urlFile.close() urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url) f = open(destination + '.gz', 'wb') format = 'gzip' data = else: data = if not data: break f.write(data) urlFile.close() socket.setdefaulttimeout(None) f.close() def listFileTimes(self, expDir=None): """listFileTimes lists the filenames and last modification times for all files in a Madrigal database. Inputs: expDir - experiment directory to which to start. May be any directory or subdirectory below experiments[0-9]*. Path may be absolute or relative to experiments[0-9]*. If None (the default), include entire experiments[0-9]* directory(s). Examples: ('/opt/madrigal/experiments/1998', 'experiments/2002/gps') Returns: a list of tuple of 1. filename relative to experiments[0-9]* directory, and 2) datetime in UT of last file modification Requires: Madrigal 2.6 or greater """ # verify Madrigal site can call this command if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers): raise IOError('listFileTimes requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl,'') if expDir: url += '?expDir=%s' % (expDir) urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url) retList = [] data ='utf-8') lines = data.split('\n') for line in lines: items = line.split(',') if len(items) != 2: continue filename = items[0].strip()[1:-1] # strip off quotes dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(items[1].strip(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') retList.append((filename, dt)) return(retList) def downloadWebFile(self, expPath, destination): """downloadWebFile allows a user to download a axillary file from the web site. Used to download files found by listFileTimes. Requires a Madrigal 3.0 site. Inputs: expPath - filename relative to experiments[0-9]* directory. As returned by listFileTimes. destination - path to save file to """ # verify Madrigal site can call this command if self.compareVersions('3.0', self._madVers): raise IOError('downloadWebFile requires Madrigal 3.0 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl,'') url += '?expPath=%s' % (expPath.replace(' ', '+')) urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url) data = urlFile.close() socket.setdefaulttimeout(None) f = open(destination, 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() def traceMagneticField(self, year, month, day, hour, minute,second, inputType, outputType, alts, lats, lons, model, qualifier, stopAlt=None): """ traceMagneticField returns a point along a magnetic field line for each point specified by the lists alts, lats, lons. Traces to either 1) conjugate point, 2) intersection with a given altitude in the northern or southern hemisphere, 3) to the apex, or 4) to GSM XY plane, depending on qualifier argument. Uses Tsyganenko or IGRF fields, depending on model argument. Input arguments are either GSM or Geodetic, depending on inputType argument. Output arguments are either GSM or Geodetic, depending on outputType argument. Inputs: year, month, day, hour, minute, second - time at which to do the trace inputType - 0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM outputType - 0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM The following parameter depend on inputType: alts - a list of geodetic altitudes or ZGSMs of starting point lats - a clist of geodetic latitudes or XGSMs of starting point lons - a list of longitude or YGSM of starting point Length of all three lists must be the same model - 0 for Tsyganenko, 1 for IGRF qualifier - 0 for conjugate, 1 for north_alt, 2 for south_alt, 3 for apex, 4 for GSM XY plane stopAlt - altitude in km to stop trace at, if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt. If other qualifier, this parameter is not required. Default is None, which will raise exception if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt Returns a tuple of tuples, one tuple for point in (alts, lats, lons) lists, where each tuple has three items: 1. geodetic altitude or ZGSM of ending point 2. geodetic latitude or XGSM of ending point 3. longitude or YGSM of ending point If error, traceback includes error description """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?' delimiter = ',' # append arguments url += 'year=%i&' % (int(year)) url += 'month=%i&' % (int(month)) url += 'day=%i&' % (int(day)) url += 'hour=%i&' % (int(hour)) url += 'min=%i&' % (int(minute)) url += 'sec=%i&' % (int(second)) url += 'inputType=%i&' % (int(inputType)) url += 'outputType=%i&' % (int(outputType)) in1Str = delimiter.join([str(item) for item in alts]) url += 'in1=%s&' % (in1Str) in2Str = delimiter.join([str(item) for item in lats]) url += 'in2=%s&' % (in2Str) in3Str = delimiter.join([str(item) for item in lons]) url += 'in3=%s&' % (in3Str) url += 'model=%i&' % (int(model)) url += 'qualifier=%i&' % (int(qualifier)) if stopAlt == None: if int(qualifier) in (1,2): raise ValueError('stopAlt must be set for qualifer in (1,2)') else: stopAlt = 0.0 url += 'stopAlt=%s' % (str(stopAlt)) # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation url = url.replace('+', '%2B') # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that html was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 3: continue result.append((float(items[0]), float(items[1]), float(items[2]))) return result def getVersion(self): """getVersion gets the version number of Madrigal in form number dot number etc. Assumes version is 2.5 if no installed """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: # if this fails, must be 2.5 return('2.5') page ='utf-8') mainUrl.close() return(page.strip()) def compareVersions(self, ver1, ver2): """compareVersions returns False if ver1 <= ver2, 0 True otherwise Inputs: version number strings, in form number dot number (any number of dots) """ return(distutils.version.LooseVersion(ver1) > distutils.version.LooseVersion(ver2)) def getCitedFilesFromUrl(self, url): """getCitedFilesFromUrl returns a list of citations to individual Madrigal file from a group id url as found in a publication """ # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.strip().split('\n') mainUrl.close() return(page) def createCitationGroupFromList(self, citationList, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation): """createCitationGroupFromList creates a new group citation given an input list of citations in the form: '' or 'experiments/2014/mlh/16mar13&file_list=mlh130316g.007.hdf5' Inputs: citationList - list of citations user_fullname - full name of user making request user_email - email address of user making request user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request Returns: group citation (string) """ url = '' # temp only - until cedar updated url = '' user_fullname = user_fullname.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_fullname=%s&' % (user_fullname) user_email = user_email.strip() url += 'user_email=%s&' % (user_email) user_affiliation = user_affiliation.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_affiliation=%s&' % (user_affiliation) for citation in citationList: if not citation == citationList[-1]: url += 'url=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(citation)) else: url += 'url=%s' % (urlparse.quote_plus(citation)) # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.strip() mainUrl.close() return(page) def getCitationListFromFilters(self, startDate, endDate, inst=None, kindat=None, seasonalStartDate=None, seasonalEndDate=None, includeNonDefault=False, expName=None, excludeExpName=None, fileDesc=None): """getCitationListFromFilters returns a list of citations using filters similar to globalDownload. Result can then be used to create citation group using createCitationGroupFromList Inputs: startDate: start datetime to filter experiments before in YYYY-MM-DD (required) endDate: end datetime to filter experiments after in YYYY-MM-DD (required) inst: a list of instrument codes or names. If None, all instruments used. For names fnmatch will be used kindat: a list of kind of data codes or names. If None, all kindats used. For names fnmatch will be used seasonalStartDate: in form MM/DD, rejects all days earlier in year. If None, implies 01/01 seasonalEndDate: in form MM/DD, rejects all days later in year. If None, implies 12/31 includeNonDefault: if set, include realtime files when there are no default. If False, implies only default files. expName: string - filter experiments by the experiment name. fnmatch rules If None, no filtering by experiment name. excludeExpName: string - exclude experiments by the experiment name. fnmatch rules If None, no excluding experiments by experiment name. fileDesc: filter files using input file Description string via fnmatch. If None, no filtering by file name Returns a list with all citations in group, which can be used in createCitationGroupFromList """ url = '' # temp only - until cedar updated url = '' url += 'startDate=%s&' % (startDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) url += 'endDate=%s&' % (endDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) if not inst is None: for thisInst in inst: url += 'inst=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(str(thisInst))) if not kindat is None: for thisKindat in kindat: url += 'kindat=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(str(thisKindat))) if not seasonalStartDate is None: url += 'seasonalStartDate=%s&' % (seasonalStartDate.strip()) if not seasonalEndDate is None: url += 'seasonalEndDate=%s&' % (seasonalEndDate.strip()) if includeNonDefault: url += 'includeNonDefault=True&' if not expName is None: url += 'expName=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(expName.strip())) if not excludeExpName is None: url += 'excludeExpName=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(excludeExpName.strip())) if not fileDesc is None: url += 'fileDesc=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(fileDesc.strip())) # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.strip().split('\n') mainUrl.close() return(page)
def compareVersions(self, ver1, ver2)
compareVersions returns False if ver1 <= ver2, 0 True otherwise
Inputs: version number strings, in form number dot number (any number of dots)
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def compareVersions(self, ver1, ver2): """compareVersions returns False if ver1 <= ver2, 0 True otherwise Inputs: version number strings, in form number dot number (any number of dots) """ return(distutils.version.LooseVersion(ver1) > distutils.version.LooseVersion(ver2))
def createCitationGroupFromList(self, citationList, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation)
createCitationGroupFromList creates a new group citation given an input list of citations in the form: '' or 'experiments/2014/mlh/16mar13&file_list=mlh130316g.007.hdf5'
citationList - list of citations
user_fullname - full name of user making request
user_email - email address of user making request
user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request
group citation (string)
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def createCitationGroupFromList(self, citationList, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation): """createCitationGroupFromList creates a new group citation given an input list of citations in the form: '' or 'experiments/2014/mlh/16mar13&file_list=mlh130316g.007.hdf5' Inputs: citationList - list of citations user_fullname - full name of user making request user_email - email address of user making request user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request Returns: group citation (string) """ url = '' # temp only - until cedar updated url = '' user_fullname = user_fullname.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_fullname=%s&' % (user_fullname) user_email = user_email.strip() url += 'user_email=%s&' % (user_email) user_affiliation = user_affiliation.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_affiliation=%s&' % (user_affiliation) for citation in citationList: if not citation == citationList[-1]: url += 'url=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(citation)) else: url += 'url=%s' % (urlparse.quote_plus(citation)) # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.strip() mainUrl.close() return(page)
def downloadFile(self, filename, destination, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, format='simple')
downloadFile will download a Cedar file in the specified format.
filename - The absolute filename to as returned via getExperimentFiles.
destination - where the file is to be stored
user_fullname - full name of user making request
user_email - email address of user making request
user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request
format - file format desired. May be 'simple', 'hdf5', 'netCDF4', 'madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar', 'unblockedBinary', or 'ascii'. Default is 'simple' Simple is a simple ascii space delimited column format. Simple and hdf5 are recommended since they are standard formats
hdf5 format works for Madrigal 2.6 or later netCDF4 format works for Madrigal 3.0 or later madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar', 'unblockedBinary', or 'ascii' no longer supported for Madrigal 3.
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def downloadFile(self, filename, destination, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, format='simple'): """downloadFile will download a Cedar file in the specified format. Inputs: filename - The absolute filename to as returned via getExperimentFiles. destination - where the file is to be stored user_fullname - full name of user making request user_email - email address of user making request user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request format - file format desired. May be 'simple', 'hdf5', 'netCDF4', 'madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar', 'unblockedBinary', or 'ascii'. Default is 'simple' Simple is a simple ascii space delimited column format. Simple and hdf5 are recommended since they are standard formats hdf5 format works for Madrigal 2.6 or later netCDF4 format works for Madrigal 3.0 or later madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar', 'unblockedBinary', or 'ascii' no longer supported for Madrigal 3. """ fileType = 0 if format not in ('hdf5', 'madrigal', 'blockedBinary', 'ncar', 'unblockedBinary', 'ascii', 'simple', 'netCDF4'): raise ValueError('Illegal format specified: %s' % (str(format))) if format == 'blockedBinary': fileType = 1 elif format == 'ncar': fileType = 2 elif format == 'unblockedBinary': fileType = 3 elif format == 'simple': fileType = -1 elif format == 'hdf5': # verify Madrigal site can handle this argument if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers): raise IOError('downloadFile with hdf5 format requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) fileType = -2 elif format == 'netCDF4': # verify Madrigal site can handle this argument if self.compareVersions('3.0', self._madVers): raise IOError('downloadFile with netCDF4 format requires Madrigal 3.0 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) fileType = -3 else: fileType = 4 # verify no old formats specified if Madrigal 3 if fileType > 0: if not self.compareVersions('3.0', self._madVers): raise IOError('Only Madrigal 2.X sites can create old style files, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl,'getMadfile.cgi?fileName=%s&fileType=%i&' % (filename, fileType)) user_fullname = user_fullname.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_fullname=%s&' % (user_fullname) user_email = user_email.strip() url += 'user_email=%s&' % (user_email) user_affiliation = user_affiliation.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_affiliation=%s' % (user_affiliation) socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT) CHUNK = 16 * 1024 urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url) if format in ('ascii', 'simple'): f = open(destination, 'w') else: f = open(destination, 'wb') while(True): if format in ('ascii', 'simple'): try: data ='utf8') except: # probably gzip ascii - convert f.close() try: os.remove(destination) except: pass urlFile.close() urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url) f = open(destination + '.gz', 'wb') format = 'gzip' data = else: data = if not data: break f.write(data) urlFile.close() socket.setdefaulttimeout(None) f.close()
def downloadWebFile(self, expPath, destination)
downloadWebFile allows a user to download a axillary file from the web site. Used to download files found by listFileTimes.
Requires a Madrigal 3.0 site.
expPath - filename relative to experiments[0-9]* directory. As returned by listFileTimes. destination - path to save file to
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def downloadWebFile(self, expPath, destination): """downloadWebFile allows a user to download a axillary file from the web site. Used to download files found by listFileTimes. Requires a Madrigal 3.0 site. Inputs: expPath - filename relative to experiments[0-9]* directory. As returned by listFileTimes. destination - path to save file to """ # verify Madrigal site can call this command if self.compareVersions('3.0', self._madVers): raise IOError('downloadWebFile requires Madrigal 3.0 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl,'') url += '?expPath=%s' % (expPath.replace(' ', '+')) urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url) data = urlFile.close() socket.setdefaulttimeout(None) f = open(destination, 'wb') f.write(data) f.close()
def geodeticToRadar(self, slatgd, slon, saltgd, gdlat, glon, gdalt)
geodeticToRadar converts arrays of points in space to az, el, and range.
Input arguments:
1. slatgd - radar geodetic latitude 2. slon - radar longitude 3. saltgd - radar altitude 4. gdlat - either a single geodetic latitude, or a list of geodetic latitudes 5. glon - either a single longitude, or a list of longitudes. If so, len(gdlat) must = len(glon) 6. gdalt - either a single deodetic altitude, or a list of geodetic altitudes. If so, len(gdalt) must = len(gdlat)
A list of lists, where each list contains 3 floats (az, el, and range)
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def geodeticToRadar(self, slatgd, slon, saltgd, gdlat, glon, gdalt): """geodeticToRadar converts arrays of points in space to az, el, and range. Input arguments: 1. slatgd - radar geodetic latitude 2. slon - radar longitude 3. saltgd - radar altitude 4. gdlat - either a single geodetic latitude, or a list of geodetic latitudes 5. glon - either a single longitude, or a list of longitudes. If so, len(gdlat) must = len(glon) 6. gdalt - either a single deodetic altitude, or a list of geodetic altitudes. If so, len(gdalt) must = len(gdlat) Returns: A list of lists, where each list contains 3 floats (az, el, and range) """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?slatgd' # append arguments url += '=%f&slon' % (float(slatgd)) url += '=%f&saltgd' % (float(slon)) url += '=%f&' % (float(saltgd)) if type(gdlat) == list or type(gdlat) == tuple: if len(gdlat) != len(glon) or len(gdlat) != len(gdalt): raise ValueError('all lists most have same length') for i in range(len(gdlat)): if i == 0: arg = str(gdlat[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(gdlat[i]) url += 'gdlat=%s&' % (arg) for i in range(len(glon)): if i == 0: arg = str(glon[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(glon[i]) url += 'glon=%s&' % (arg) for i in range(len(gdalt)): if i == 0: arg = str(gdalt[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(gdalt[i]) url += 'gdalt=%s' % (arg) else: url += 'gdlat=%f&' % (gdlat) url += 'glon=%f&' % (glon) url += 'gdalt=%f&' % (gdalt) # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation url = url.replace('+', '%2B') # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # parse output for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue newList = [] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result
def getAllInstruments(self)
returns a list of all MadrigalInstruments at the given Madrigal site
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def getAllInstruments(self): """ returns a list of all MadrigalInstruments at the given Madrigal site""" scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that html was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 5: continue if len(items) > 6: category = items[6] else: category = 'unknown' result.append(MadrigalInstrument(items[0], items[1], items[2], items[3], items[4], items[5], category)) return result
def getCitationListFromFilters(self, startDate, endDate, inst=None, kindat=None, seasonalStartDate=None, seasonalEndDate=None, includeNonDefault=False, expName=None, excludeExpName=None, fileDesc=None)
getCitationListFromFilters returns a list of citations using filters similar to globalDownload. Result can then be used to create citation group using createCitationGroupFromList
startDate: start datetime to filter experiments before in YYYY-MM-DD (required) endDate: end datetime to filter experiments after in YYYY-MM-DD (required) inst: a list of instrument codes or names. If None, all instruments used. For names fnmatch will be used kindat: a list of kind of data codes or names. If None, all kindats used. For names fnmatch will be used seasonalStartDate: in form MM/DD, rejects all days earlier in year. If None, implies 01/01 seasonalEndDate: in form MM/DD, rejects all days later in year. If None, implies 12/31 includeNonDefault: if set, include realtime files when there are no default. If False, implies only default files. expName: string - filter experiments by the experiment name. fnmatch rules If None, no filtering by experiment name. excludeExpName: string - exclude experiments by the experiment name. fnmatch rules
If None, no excluding experiments by experiment name. fileDesc: filter files using input file Description string via fnmatch. If None, no filtering by file nameReturns a list with all citations in group, which can be used in createCitationGroupFromList
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def getCitationListFromFilters(self, startDate, endDate, inst=None, kindat=None, seasonalStartDate=None, seasonalEndDate=None, includeNonDefault=False, expName=None, excludeExpName=None, fileDesc=None): """getCitationListFromFilters returns a list of citations using filters similar to globalDownload. Result can then be used to create citation group using createCitationGroupFromList Inputs: startDate: start datetime to filter experiments before in YYYY-MM-DD (required) endDate: end datetime to filter experiments after in YYYY-MM-DD (required) inst: a list of instrument codes or names. If None, all instruments used. For names fnmatch will be used kindat: a list of kind of data codes or names. If None, all kindats used. For names fnmatch will be used seasonalStartDate: in form MM/DD, rejects all days earlier in year. If None, implies 01/01 seasonalEndDate: in form MM/DD, rejects all days later in year. If None, implies 12/31 includeNonDefault: if set, include realtime files when there are no default. If False, implies only default files. expName: string - filter experiments by the experiment name. fnmatch rules If None, no filtering by experiment name. excludeExpName: string - exclude experiments by the experiment name. fnmatch rules If None, no excluding experiments by experiment name. fileDesc: filter files using input file Description string via fnmatch. If None, no filtering by file name Returns a list with all citations in group, which can be used in createCitationGroupFromList """ url = '' # temp only - until cedar updated url = '' url += 'startDate=%s&' % (startDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) url += 'endDate=%s&' % (endDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) if not inst is None: for thisInst in inst: url += 'inst=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(str(thisInst))) if not kindat is None: for thisKindat in kindat: url += 'kindat=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(str(thisKindat))) if not seasonalStartDate is None: url += 'seasonalStartDate=%s&' % (seasonalStartDate.strip()) if not seasonalEndDate is None: url += 'seasonalEndDate=%s&' % (seasonalEndDate.strip()) if includeNonDefault: url += 'includeNonDefault=True&' if not expName is None: url += 'expName=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(expName.strip())) if not excludeExpName is None: url += 'excludeExpName=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(excludeExpName.strip())) if not fileDesc is None: url += 'fileDesc=%s&' % (urlparse.quote_plus(fileDesc.strip())) # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.strip().split('\n') mainUrl.close() return(page)
def getCitedFilesFromUrl(self, url)
getCitedFilesFromUrl returns a list of citations to individual Madrigal file from a group id url as found in a publication
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def getCitedFilesFromUrl(self, url): """getCitedFilesFromUrl returns a list of citations to individual Madrigal file from a group id url as found in a publication """ # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.strip().split('\n') mainUrl.close() return(page)
def getExperimentFileParameters(self, fullFilename)
getExperimentFileParameters returns a list of all measured and derivable parameters in file
fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by getExperimentFiles.
List of MadrigalParameter objects for that fullFilename. Includes both measured and derivable parameters in file.
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def getExperimentFileParameters(self,fullFilename): """ getExperimentFileParameters returns a list of all measured and derivable parameters in file Inputs: fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by getExperimentFiles. Outputs: List of MadrigalParameter objects for that fullFilename. Includes both measured and derivable parameters in file. """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?filename=%s' % (str(fullFilename)) # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: return [] # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] for line in page: items = line.split('\\') # with Madrigal 2.5, isAddIncrement was added as 8th column if len(items) < 7: continue try: isAddIncrement = int(items[7]) except: isAddIncrement = -1 result.append(MadrigalParameter(items[0], items[1], int(items[2]), items[3], int(items[4]), items[5], int(items[6]), isAddIncrement)) return result
def getExperimentFiles(self, id, getNonDefault=False)
returns a list of all default MadrigalExperimentFiles for a given experiment id
id - Experiment id.
getNonDefault - if False (the default), only get default files, or realtime files if no default files found. If True, get all files. In general, users should set this to False because default files are the most reliable.
List of MadrigalExperimentFile objects for that experiment id
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def getExperimentFiles(self, id, getNonDefault=False): """ returns a list of all default MadrigalExperimentFiles for a given experiment id Inputs: id - Experiment id. getNonDefault - if False (the default), only get default files, or realtime files if no default files found. If True, get all files. In general, users should set this to False because default files are the most reliable. Outputs: List of MadrigalExperimentFile objects for that experiment id """ scriptName = '' if int(id) == -1: err_str = """Illegal experiment id -1. This is usually caused by calling getExperiments with the isLocal flag set to 0. To get the experiment id for a non-local experiment, you will need to create a new MadrigalData object with the url of the non-local experiment (MadrigalExperiment.madrigalUrl), and then call getExperiments a second time using that Madrigal url. This is because while Madrigal sites share metadata about experiments, the real experiment ids are only known by the individual Madrigal sites. See examples/ for an example of this. """ raise ValueError(err_str) url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?id=%i' % (int(id)) # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: return [] # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # find out if no default files. If so, return realtime also hasDefault = False for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 4: continue if int(items[3]) == 1: hasDefault = True break for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 4: continue category = int(items[3]) if hasDefault and category != 1 and not getNonDefault: continue if not hasDefault and category != 4 and not getNonDefault: continue if len(items) > 6: doi = items[6] else: doi = None result.append(MadrigalExperimentFile(items[0], items[1], items[2], items[3], items[4], items[5], id, doi)) return result
def getExperiments(self, code, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, local=1)
returns a list of all MadrigalExperiments that meet criteria at the given Madrigal site
code - int or list of ints representing instrument code(s). Special value of 0 selects all instruments.
startyear - int or string convertable to int
startmonth - int or string convertable to int
startday - int or string convertable to int
starthour - int or string convertable to int
startmin - int or string convertable to int
startsec - int or string convertable to int
endyear - int or string convertable to int
endmonth - int or string convertable to int
endday - int or string convertable to int
endhour - int or string convertable to int
endmin - int or string convertable to int
endsec - int or string convertable to int
local - 0 if all sites desired, 1 (default) if only local experiments desired
List of MadrigalExperiment objects that meet the criteria. Note that if the returned MadrigalExperiment is not local, the experiment id will be -1. This means that you will need to create a new MadrigalData object with the url of the non-local experiment (MadrigalExperiment.madrigalUrl), and then call getExperiments a second time using that Madrigal url. This is because while Madrigal sites share metadata about experiments, the real experiment ids are only known by the individual Madrigal sites. See examples/ for an example of this.
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def getExperiments(self, code, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, local=1): """ returns a list of all MadrigalExperiments that meet criteria at the given Madrigal site Inputs: code - int or list of ints representing instrument code(s). Special value of 0 selects all instruments. startyear - int or string convertable to int startmonth - int or string convertable to int startday - int or string convertable to int starthour - int or string convertable to int startmin - int or string convertable to int startsec - int or string convertable to int endyear - int or string convertable to int endmonth - int or string convertable to int endday - int or string convertable to int endhour - int or string convertable to int endmin - int or string convertable to int endsec - int or string convertable to int local - 0 if all sites desired, 1 (default) if only local experiments desired Outputs: List of MadrigalExperiment objects that meet the criteria. Note that if the returned MadrigalExperiment is not local, the experiment id will be -1. This means that you will need to create a new MadrigalData object with the url of the non-local experiment (MadrigalExperiment.madrigalUrl), and then call getExperiments a second time using that Madrigal url. This is because while Madrigal sites share metadata about experiments, the real experiment ids are only known by the individual Madrigal sites. See examples/ for an example of this. """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?' # first append code(s) if type(code) == list: for item in code: url += 'code=%i&' % (int(item)) else: url += 'code=%i&' % (int(code)) # append times url += 'startyear=%i&' % (int(startyear)) url += 'startmonth=%i&' % (int(startmonth)) url += 'startday=%i&' % (int(startday)) url += 'starthour=%i&' % (int(starthour)) url += 'startmin=%i&' % (int(startmin)) url += 'startsec=%i&' % (int(startsec)) url += 'endyear=%i&' % (int(endyear)) url += 'endmonth=%i&' % (int(endmonth)) url += 'endday=%i&' % (int(endday)) url += 'endhour=%i&' % (int(endhour)) url += 'endmin=%i&' % (int(endmin)) url += 'endsec=%i&' % (int(endsec)) url += 'local=%i'% (int(local)) # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8', errors='replace') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: return [] # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] for line in page: items = line.split(',') # calculate isLocal if len(items) < 20: continue if int(items[3]) == self.siteId: isLocal = True else: isLocal = False if isLocal: expIdStr = items[0] else: expIdStr = '-1' if len(items) > 21: pi = items[20] piEmail = items[21] else: pi = 'unknown' piEmail = 'unknown' if len(items) > 23: uttimestamp = int(items[22]) access = int(items[23]) else: uttimestamp = None access = None result.append(MadrigalExperiment(expIdStr, items[1], items[2], items[3], items[4], items[5], items[6], items[7], items[8], items[9], items[10], items[11], items[12], items[13], items[14], items[15], items[16], items[17], items[18], isLocal, self.siteDict[int(items[3])], pi, piEmail, uttimestamp, access, self._madVers)) return result
def getVersion(self)
getVersion gets the version number of Madrigal in form number dot number etc.
Assumes version is 2.5 if no installed
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def getVersion(self): """getVersion gets the version number of Madrigal in form number dot number etc. Assumes version is 2.5 if no installed """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: # if this fails, must be 2.5 return('2.5') page ='utf-8') mainUrl.close() return(page.strip())
def isprint(self, filename, parms, filters, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, outputFile=None)
returns as a string the isprint output given filename, parms, filters without headers or summary.
filename - The absolute filename to be analyzed by isprint.
parms - Comma delimited string listing requested parameters (no spaces allowed).
filters - Space delimited string listing filters desired, as in isprint command
user_fullname - full name of user making request
user_email - email address of user making request
user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request
outputFile - if not None, download the results to outputFile. If outputFile has an extension of .h5, .hdf, or .hdf5, will download in Madrigal Hdf5 format. If it has a .nc extension, will download as netCDF4. Otherwise, it will download as column delimited ascii. Trying to save as Hdf5 or netCDF4 with a Madrigal 2 site will raise an exception
a string holding the isprint output
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def isprint(self, filename, parms, filters, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, outputFile=None): """returns as a string the isprint output given filename, parms, filters without headers or summary. Inputs: filename - The absolute filename to be analyzed by isprint. parms - Comma delimited string listing requested parameters (no spaces allowed). filters - Space delimited string listing filters desired, as in isprint command user_fullname - full name of user making request user_email - email address of user making request user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request outputFile - if not None, download the results to outputFile. If outputFile has an extension of .h5, .hdf, or .hdf5, will download in Madrigal Hdf5 format. If it has a .nc extension, will download as netCDF4. Otherwise, it will download as column delimited ascii. Trying to save as Hdf5 or netCDF4 with a Madrigal 2 site will raise an exception Returns: a string holding the isprint output """ scriptName = '' # build the complete cgi string, replacing characters as required by cgi standard url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?' url += 'file=%s&' % (filename.replace('/', '%2F')) if parms.find(' ') != -1: parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces parms = parms.replace('+','%2B') parms = parms.replace(',','+') url += 'parms=%s&' % (parms) filters = filters.replace('=','%3D') filters = filters.replace(',','%2C') filters = filters.replace('/','%2F') filters = filters.replace('+','%2B') filters = filters.replace(' ','+') url += 'filters=%s&' % (filters) user_fullname = user_fullname.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_fullname=%s&' % (user_fullname) user_email = user_email.strip() url += 'user_email=%s&' % (user_email) user_affiliation = user_affiliation.replace(' ','+').strip() url += 'user_affiliation=%s' % (user_affiliation) if not outputFile is None: url += '&output=%s' % (os.path.basename(outputFile)) filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(outputFile) if file_extension in ('.hdf5', '.h5', '.hdf'): format = 'Hdf5' elif file_extension in ('.nc',): format = 'netCDF4' else: format = 'ascii' # if Hdf5 or netCDF4, make sure site is 3 or greater if format in ('Hdf5', 'netCDF4'): version = self.getVersion() if distutils.version.LooseVersion(version) < distutils.version.LooseVersion('3.0'): raise ValueError('Madrigal site at %s is below 3.0, cannot convert to Hdf5 or netCDF4' % (self.cgiurl)) else: format = 'ascii' # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) if format == 'ascii': page ='utf-8') else: page = mainUrl.close() if format == 'ascii': if page.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url)) if outputFile is None: return page else: if format == 'ascii': f = open(outputFile, 'w') else: f = open(outputFile, 'wb') f.write(page) f.close()
def listFileTimes(self, expDir=None)
listFileTimes lists the filenames and last modification times for all files in a Madrigal database.
Inputs: expDir - experiment directory to which to start. May be any directory or subdirectory below experiments[0-9]. Path may be absolute or relative to experiments[0-9]. If None (the default), include entire experiments[0-9]* directory(s). Examples: ('/opt/madrigal/experiments/1998', 'experiments/2002/gps')
Returns: a list of tuple of 1. filename relative to experiments[0-9]* directory, and 2) datetime in UT of last file modification
Requires: Madrigal 2.6 or greater
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def listFileTimes(self, expDir=None): """listFileTimes lists the filenames and last modification times for all files in a Madrigal database. Inputs: expDir - experiment directory to which to start. May be any directory or subdirectory below experiments[0-9]*. Path may be absolute or relative to experiments[0-9]*. If None (the default), include entire experiments[0-9]* directory(s). Examples: ('/opt/madrigal/experiments/1998', 'experiments/2002/gps') Returns: a list of tuple of 1. filename relative to experiments[0-9]* directory, and 2) datetime in UT of last file modification Requires: Madrigal 2.6 or greater """ # verify Madrigal site can call this command if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers): raise IOError('listFileTimes requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) url = urlparse.urljoin(self.cgiurl,'') if expDir: url += '?expDir=%s' % (expDir) urlFile = urllib2.urlopen(url) retList = [] data ='utf-8') lines = data.split('\n') for line in lines: items = line.split(',') if len(items) != 2: continue filename = items[0].strip()[1:-1] # strip off quotes dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(items[1].strip(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') retList.append((filename, dt)) return(retList)
def madCalculator(self, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, startLat, endLat, stepLat, startLong, endLong, stepLong, startAlt, endAlt, stepAlt, parms, oneDParmList=[], oneDParmValues=[])
Input arguments:
1. year - int 2. month - int 3. day - int 4. hour - int 5. min - int 6. sec - int 7. startLat - Starting geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float) 8. endLat - Ending geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float) 9. stepLat - Latitude step (0.1 to 90) (float) 10. startLong - Starting geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float) 11. endLong - Ending geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float) 12. stepLong - Longitude step (0.1 to 180) (float) 13. startAlt - Starting geodetic altitude, >= 0 (float) 14. endAlt - Ending geodetic altitude, > 0 (float) 15. stepAlt - Altitude step (>= 0.1) (float) 16. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired 17. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics. Defaults to empty list. 18. oneDParmValues - a list of values (doubles) associated with the one-D parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list.
A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 3 + number of parameters doubles. The first three doubles are the input latitude, longitude, and altitude. The rest of the doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan.
result = testData.madCalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0,45,55,5,-170,-150,10,200,200,0,'bmag,bn') result = [ [45.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.1315700000000002e-05, 2.1013500000000001e-05] [45.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.2336899999999998e-05, 2.03685e-05] [45.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.3856400000000002e-05, 1.97411e-05] [50.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.3913599999999999e-05, 1.9639999999999998e-05] [50.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.4890099999999999e-05, 1.8870999999999999e-05] [50.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.6337800000000002e-05, 1.80077e-05] [55.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.6397899999999998e-05, 1.78115e-05] [55.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.7265400000000003e-05, 1.6932500000000001e-05] [55.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.85495e-05, 1.5865399999999999e-05] ]
gdlat glon gdalt bmag bn
Expand source code
def madCalculator(self, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, startLat, endLat, stepLat, startLong, endLong, stepLong, startAlt, endAlt, stepAlt, parms, oneDParmList=[], oneDParmValues=[]): """ Input arguments: 1. year - int 2. month - int 3. day - int 4. hour - int 5. min - int 6. sec - int 7. startLat - Starting geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float) 8. endLat - Ending geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float) 9. stepLat - Latitude step (0.1 to 90) (float) 10. startLong - Starting geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float) 11. endLong - Ending geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float) 12. stepLong - Longitude step (0.1 to 180) (float) 13. startAlt - Starting geodetic altitude, >= 0 (float) 14. endAlt - Ending geodetic altitude, > 0 (float) 15. stepAlt - Altitude step (>= 0.1) (float) 16. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired 17. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics. Defaults to empty list. 18. oneDParmValues - a list of values (doubles) associated with the one-D parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list. Returns: A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 3 + number of parameters doubles. The first three doubles are the input latitude, longitude, and altitude. The rest of the doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan. Example: result = testData.madCalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0,45,55,5,-170,-150,10,200,200,0,'bmag,bn') result = [ [45.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.1315700000000002e-05, 2.1013500000000001e-05] [45.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.2336899999999998e-05, 2.03685e-05] [45.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.3856400000000002e-05, 1.97411e-05] [50.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.3913599999999999e-05, 1.9639999999999998e-05] [50.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.4890099999999999e-05, 1.8870999999999999e-05] [50.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.6337800000000002e-05, 1.80077e-05] [55.0, -170.0, 200.0, 4.6397899999999998e-05, 1.78115e-05] [55.0, -160.0, 200.0, 4.7265400000000003e-05, 1.6932500000000001e-05] [55.0, -150.0, 200.0, 4.85495e-05, 1.5865399999999999e-05] ] Columns: gdlat glon gdalt bmag bn """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?year' if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues): raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)') if parms.find(' ') != -1: parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces # append arguments url += '=%i&month' % (int(year)) url += '=%i&day' % (int(month)) url += '=%i&hour' % (int(day)) url += '=%i&min' % (int(hour)) url += '=%i&sec' % (int(min)) url += '=%i&startLat' % (int(sec)) url += '=%f&endLat' % (float(startLat)) url += '=%f&stepLat' % (float(endLat)) url += '=%f&startLong' % (float(stepLat)) url += '=%f&endLong' % (float(startLong)) url += '=%f&stepLong' % (float(endLong)) url += '=%f&startAlt' % (float(stepLong)) url += '=%f&endAlt' % (float(startAlt)) url += '=%f&stepAlt' % (float(endAlt)) url += '=%f&parms' % (float(stepAlt)) url += '=%s' % (parms) for i in range(len(oneDParmList)): url += '&oneD=%s,%s' % (str(oneDParmList[i]), str(oneDParmValues[i])) # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation url = url.replace('+', '%2B') # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # parse output for line in page: items = line.split() if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue newList = [] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result
def madCalculator2(self, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, latList, lonList, altList, parms, oneDParmList=[], oneDParmValues=[], twoDParmList=[], twoDParmValues=[])
madCalculator2 is similar to madCalculator, except that a random collection of points in space can be specified, rather than a grid of points. Also, a user can input 2D data.
Added to Madrigal2.6 as web service - will not run on earlier Madrigal installations.
Input arguments:
1. year - int 2. month - int 3. day - int 4. hour - int 5. min - int 6. sec - int 7. latList - a list of geodetic latitudes, -90 to 90 8. lonList - a list of longitudes, -180 to 180. Length must = lats 9. altList - a list of geodetic altitudes in km. Length must = lats 10. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired 11. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics. Defaults to empty list. 12. oneDParmValues - a list of values (doubles) associated with the one-D parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list. 13. twoDParmList - a python list of two-D parameters as mnemonics. Defaults to []. 14. twoDParmValues - a python list of lists of len = len(twoDParmList). Each individual list is a list of doubles representing values of the two-D parameter set in twoDParmList, with a length = number of points (or equal to len(lats)). Defaults to [].
A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 3 + number of parameters doubles. The first three doubles are the input latitude, longitude, and altitude. The rest of the doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan.
result = testData.madCalculator2(1999,2,15,12,30,0,[45,55],[-170,-150],[200,300],'sdwht,kp') result = [ [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 45.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 13.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 13.0, 15.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] ]
gdlat glon gdalt sdwht kp
Now uses POST to avoid long url issue
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def madCalculator2(self, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, latList, lonList, altList, parms, oneDParmList=[], oneDParmValues=[], twoDParmList = [], twoDParmValues = []): """ madCalculator2 is similar to madCalculator, except that a random collection of points in space can be specified, rather than a grid of points. Also, a user can input 2D data. Added to Madrigal2.6 as web service - will not run on earlier Madrigal installations. Input arguments: 1. year - int 2. month - int 3. day - int 4. hour - int 5. min - int 6. sec - int 7. latList - a list of geodetic latitudes, -90 to 90 8. lonList - a list of longitudes, -180 to 180. Length must = lats 9. altList - a list of geodetic altitudes in km. Length must = lats 10. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired 11. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics. Defaults to empty list. 12. oneDParmValues - a list of values (doubles) associated with the one-D parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list. 13. twoDParmList - a python list of two-D parameters as mnemonics. Defaults to []. 14. twoDParmValues - a python list of lists of len = len(twoDParmList). Each individual list is a list of doubles representing values of the two-D parameter set in twoDParmList, with a length = number of points (or equal to len(lats)). Defaults to []. Returns: A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 3 + number of parameters doubles. The first three doubles are the input latitude, longitude, and altitude. The rest of the doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan. Example: result = testData.madCalculator2(1999,2,15,12,30,0,[45,55],[-170,-150],[200,300],'sdwht,kp') result = [ [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 45.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 13.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 13.0, 15.0, 0.0, 3.0, 15.0] ] Columns: gdlat glon gdalt sdwht kp Now uses POST to avoid long url issue """ # verify Madrigal site can call this command if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers): raise IOError('madCalculator2 requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) scriptName = '' if parms.find(' ') != -1: parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces url = self.cgiurl + scriptName # error checking if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues): raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)') if len(latList) == 0: raise ValueError('length of latList must be at least one') if len(latList) != len(lonList) or len(latList) != len(altList): raise ValueError('lengths of latList, lonList, altList must all be equal') if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues): raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)') postUrl = 'year' # append arguments delimiter = ',' postUrl += '=%i&month' % (int(year)) postUrl += '=%i&day' % (int(month)) postUrl += '=%i&hour' % (int(day)) postUrl += '=%i&min' % (int(hour)) postUrl += '=%i&sec' % (int(min)) postUrl += '=%i&lats=' % (int(sec)) for i in range(len(latList)): postUrl += str(latList[i]) if i + 1 < len(latList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&longs=' for i in range(len(lonList)): postUrl += str(lonList[i]) if i + 1 < len(lonList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&alts=' for i in range(len(altList)): postUrl += str(altList[i]) if i + 1 < len(altList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&parms=%s' % (parms) for i in range(len(oneDParmList)): postUrl += '&oneD=%s,%s' % (str(oneDParmList[i]), str(oneDParmValues[i])) for i in range(len(twoDParmList)): postUrl += '&twoD=%s,' % (str(twoDParmList[i])) for j in range(len(twoDParmValues[i])): postUrl += str(twoDParmValues[i][j]) if j + 1 < len(twoDParmValues[i]): postUrl += ',' # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation postUrl = postUrl.replace('+', '%2B') data = postUrl.encode("utf-8") # read main url try: req = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data=data) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str((url, postUrl))) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') response.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # parse output for line in page: items = line.split() if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue newList = [] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result
def madCalculator3(self, yearList, monthList, dayList, hourList, minList, secList, latList, lonList, altList, parms, oneDParmList=[], oneDParmValues=[], twoDParmList=[], twoDParmValues=[])
madCalculator3 is similar to madCalculator, except that multiple times can be specified, where each time can have its own unique spatial positions and 1D and 2D parms. It is equivalent to multiple calls to madCalculator2, except that it should greatly improve performance where multiple calls to madCalculator2 are required for different times. The only restriction is that the same parameters must be requested for every time.
Added to Madrigal2.6 as web service - will not run on earlier Madrigal installations.
Now uses POST to send arguments, due to large volume of data possible
Input arguments:
1. yearList - a list of years, one for each time requested (ints) 2. monthList - a list of months, one for each time requested. (ints) 3. dayList - a list of days, one for each time requested. (ints) 4. hourList - a list of hours, one for each time requested. (ints) 5. minList - a list of minutes, one for each time requested. (ints) 6. secList - a list of seconds, one for each time requested. (ints) 7. latList - a list of lists of geodetic latitudes, -90 to 90. The first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc. The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number of times must match yearList. Data organization: latList[timeIndex][positionIndex] 8. lonList - a list of lists of longitudes, -180 to 180. The first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc. The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number of times must match yearList. Lens must match latList Data organization: lonList[timeIndex][positionIndex] 9. altList - a list of lists of geodetic altitudes in km. The first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc. The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number of times must match yearList. Lens must match latList Data organization: altList[timeIndex][positionIndex] 10. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired 11. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics. Defaults to empty list. 12. oneDParmValues - a list of lists of values (doubles) associated with the one-D parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list. The first list is for the first 1D parameter in oneDParmList, and must be on length len(yearList). The second list is for the second parameter, etc. Data organization: onDParmValues[parameterIndex][timeIndex] 13. twoDParmList - a python list of of two-D parameters as mnemonics. Defaults to []. 14. twoDParmValues - a list of lists of lists of values (doubles) associated with the two-D parameters specified in twoDParmList. Defaults to empty list. The first list is for the first 2D parameter in oneDParmList, and must be a list of length len(yearList). Each list in that list must be of len(num positions for that time). The second list is for the second parameter, etc. Data organization: twoDParmValues[parameterIndex][timeIndex][positionIndex]
A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 9 + number of parameters doubles. The first nine doubles are: 1) year, 2) month, 3) day, 4) hour, 5) minute, 6) second, 7) input latitude, 8) longitude, and 9) altitude.
The rest of the doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan.Example:
testData.madCalculator3(yearList=[2001,2001], monthList=[3,3], dayList=[19,20], hourList=[12,12], minList=[30,40], secList=[20,0], latList=[[45,46,47,48.5],[46,47,48.2,49,50]], lonList=[[-70,-71,-72,-73],[-70,-71,-72,-73,-74]], altList=[[145,200,250,300.5],[200,250,300,350,400]], parms='bmag,pdcon,ne_model', oneDParmList=['kinst','elm'], oneDParmValues=[[31.0,31.0],[45.0,50.0]], twoDParmList=['ti','te','ne'], twoDParmValues=[[[1000,1000,1000,1000],[1000,1000,1000,1000,1000]], [[1100,1200,1300,1400],[1500,1000,1100,1200,1300]], [[1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10],[1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10]]])
year month day hour minute second gdlat glon gdalt bmag pdcon ne_model
Expand source code
def madCalculator3(self, yearList, monthList, dayList, hourList, minList, secList, latList, lonList, altList, parms, oneDParmList=[], oneDParmValues=[], twoDParmList = [], twoDParmValues = []): """ madCalculator3 is similar to madCalculator, except that multiple times can be specified, where each time can have its own unique spatial positions and 1D and 2D parms. It is equivalent to multiple calls to madCalculator2, except that it should greatly improve performance where multiple calls to madCalculator2 are required for different times. The only restriction is that the same parameters must be requested for every time. Added to Madrigal2.6 as web service - will not run on earlier Madrigal installations. Now uses POST to send arguments, due to large volume of data possible Input arguments: 1. yearList - a list of years, one for each time requested (ints) 2. monthList - a list of months, one for each time requested. (ints) 3. dayList - a list of days, one for each time requested. (ints) 4. hourList - a list of hours, one for each time requested. (ints) 5. minList - a list of minutes, one for each time requested. (ints) 6. secList - a list of seconds, one for each time requested. (ints) 7. latList - a list of lists of geodetic latitudes, -90 to 90. The first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc. The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number of times must match yearList. Data organization: latList[timeIndex][positionIndex] 8. lonList - a list of lists of longitudes, -180 to 180. The first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc. The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number of times must match yearList. Lens must match latList Data organization: lonList[timeIndex][positionIndex] 9. altList - a list of lists of geodetic altitudes in km. The first list is for the first time, the second for the second time, etc. The list do not need to have the same number of points. The number of times must match yearList. Lens must match latList Data organization: altList[timeIndex][positionIndex] 10. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired 11. oneDParmList - a list of one-D parameters whose values should be set for the calculation. Can be codes or mnemonics. Defaults to empty list. 12. oneDParmValues - a list of lists of values (doubles) associated with the one-D parameters specified in oneDParmList. Defaults to empty list. The first list is for the first 1D parameter in oneDParmList, and must be on length len(yearList). The second list is for the second parameter, etc. Data organization: onDParmValues[parameterIndex][timeIndex] 13. twoDParmList - a python list of of two-D parameters as mnemonics. Defaults to []. 14. twoDParmValues - a list of lists of lists of values (doubles) associated with the two-D parameters specified in twoDParmList. Defaults to empty list. The first list is for the first 2D parameter in oneDParmList, and must be a list of length len(yearList). Each list in that list must be of len(num positions for that time). The second list is for the second parameter, etc. Data organization: twoDParmValues[parameterIndex][timeIndex][positionIndex] Returns: A list of lists of doubles, where each list contains 9 + number of parameters doubles. The first nine doubles are: 1) year, 2) month, 3) day, 4) hour, 5) minute, 6) second, 7) input latitude, 8) longitude, and 9) altitude. The rest of the doubles are the values of each of the calculated values. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan. Example: testData.madCalculator3(yearList=[2001,2001], monthList=[3,3], dayList=[19,20], hourList=[12,12], minList=[30,40], secList=[20,0], latList=[[45,46,47,48.5],[46,47,48.2,49,50]], lonList=[[-70,-71,-72,-73],[-70,-71,-72,-73,-74]], altList=[[145,200,250,300.5],[200,250,300,350,400]], parms='bmag,pdcon,ne_model', oneDParmList=['kinst','elm'], oneDParmValues=[[31.0,31.0],[45.0,50.0]], twoDParmList=['ti','te','ne'], twoDParmValues=[[[1000,1000,1000,1000],[1000,1000,1000,1000,1000]], [[1100,1200,1300,1400],[1500,1000,1100,1200,1300]], [[1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10],[1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10,1.0e10]]]) Columns: year month day hour minute second gdlat glon gdalt bmag pdcon ne_model """ # verify Madrigal site can call this command if self.compareVersions('2.6', self._madVers): raise IOError('madCalculator3 requires Madrigal 2.6 or greater, but this site is version %s' % (self._madVers)) scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName postUrl = '' # error checking try: totalTimes = len(yearList) except: raise ValueError('yearList must be a list, not %s' % (str(yearList))) if len(monthList) != totalTimes or \ len(dayList) != totalTimes or \ len(hourList) != totalTimes or \ len(minList) != totalTimes or \ len(secList) != totalTimes: raise ValueError('Not all time lists have same length') if parms.find(' ') != -1: parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces # add time arguments postUrl += 'year=' for i, year in enumerate(yearList): postUrl += '%i' % (year) if i+1 < len(yearList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&month=' for i, month in enumerate(monthList): postUrl += '%i' % (month) if i+1 < len(monthList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&day=' for i, day in enumerate(dayList): postUrl += '%i' % (day) if i+1 < len(dayList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&hour=' for i, hour in enumerate(hourList): postUrl += '%i' % (hour) if i+1 < len(hourList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&min=' for i, minute in enumerate(minList): postUrl += '%i' % (minute) if i+1 < len(minList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&sec=' for i, sec in enumerate(secList): postUrl += '%i' % (sec) if i+1 < len(secList): postUrl += ',' # get numPos list from latList numPos = [] for lats in latList: numPos.append(len(lats)) postUrl += '&numPos=' for i, pos in enumerate(numPos): postUrl += '%i' % (pos) if i+1 < len(numPos): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&lats=' for i, posList in enumerate(latList): if len(posList) != numPos[i]: raise ValueError('mismatched number of points in latList') for j, pos in enumerate(posList): postUrl += '%f' % (pos) if i+1 < len(latList) or j+1 < len(posList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&longs=' for i, posList in enumerate(lonList): if len(posList) != numPos[i]: raise ValueError('mismatched number of points in lonList') for j, pos in enumerate(posList): postUrl += '%f' % (pos) if i+1 < len(lonList) or j+1 < len(posList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&alts=' for i, posList in enumerate(altList): if len(posList) != numPos[i]: raise ValueError('mismatched number of points in altList') for j, pos in enumerate(posList): postUrl += '%f' % (pos) if i+1 < len(altList) or j+1 < len(posList): postUrl += ',' postUrl += '&parms=%s' % (parms) if len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues): raise ValueError('len(oneDParmList) != len(oneDParmValues)') for i, parm in enumerate(oneDParmList): postUrl += '&oneD=%s,' % (str(parm)) if len(oneDParmValues[i]) != totalTimes: raise ValueError('wrong number of 1D parms for %s' % (str(parm))) for j, value in enumerate(oneDParmValues[i]): postUrl += '%f' % (value) if j+1 < len(oneDParmValues[i]): postUrl += ',' for i, parm in enumerate(twoDParmList): postUrl += '&twoD=%s,' % (str(parm)) if len(twoDParmValues[i]) != totalTimes: raise ValueError('wrong number of 2D parms for %s' % (str(parm))) for j, valueList in enumerate(twoDParmValues[i]): if len(valueList) != numPos[j]: raise ValueError('wrong number of 2D parms for %s' % (str(parm))) for k, value in enumerate(valueList): postUrl += '%f' % (value) if j+1 < len(twoDParmValues[i]) or k+1 < len(valueList): postUrl += ',' # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation postUrl = postUrl.replace('+', '%2B') data = postUrl.encode('utf8') # read main url try: req = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data=data) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str((url, postUrl))) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') response.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # time data to add to each line year=None month=None day=None hour=None minute=None second=None for line in page: items = line.split() if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue if line.find('TIME') != -1: # new time found dates=items[1].split('/') year = int(dates[2]) month = int(dates[0]) day = int(dates[1]) times=items[2].split(':') hour = int(times[0]) minute = int(times[1]) second = int(times[2]) continue newList = [year,month,day,hour,minute,second] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result
def madTimeCalculator(self, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, stephours, parms)
Input arguments:
1. startyear - int 2. startmonth - int 3. startday - int 4. starthour - int 5. startmin - int 6. startsec - int 7. endyear - int 8. endmonth - int 9. endday - int 10. endhour - int 11. endmin - int 12. endsec - int 13. stephours - float - number of hours per time step 14. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired (must not depend on location)
A list of lists, where each list contains 6 ints (year, month, day, hour, min, sec) + number of parameters. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan.
result = testData.madTestCalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0, 1999,2,20,12,30,0, 24.0, 'kp,dst') result = [[1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 3.0, -9.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 16.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 1.0, -6.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 17.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 4.0, -31.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 18.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 6.7000000000000002, -93.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 19.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 5.2999999999999998, -75.0]]
year, month, day, hour, min, sec, kp, dst
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def madTimeCalculator(self, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, stephours, parms): """ Input arguments: 1. startyear - int 2. startmonth - int 3. startday - int 4. starthour - int 5. startmin - int 6. startsec - int 7. endyear - int 8. endmonth - int 9. endday - int 10. endhour - int 11. endmin - int 12. endsec - int 13. stephours - float - number of hours per time step 14. parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired (must not depend on location) Returns: A list of lists, where each list contains 6 ints (year, month, day, hour, min, sec) + number of parameters. If the value cannot be calculated, it will be set to nan. Example: result = testData.madTestCalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0, 1999,2,20,12,30,0, 24.0, 'kp,dst') result = [[1999.0, 2.0, 15.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 3.0, -9.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 16.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 1.0, -6.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 17.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 4.0, -31.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 18.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 6.7000000000000002, -93.0] [1999.0, 2.0, 19.0, 12.0, 30.0, 0.0, 5.2999999999999998, -75.0]] Columns: year, month, day, hour, min, sec, kp, dst """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?startyear' if parms.find(' ') != -1: parms = parms.replace(' ', '') # remove all spaces # append arguments url += '=%i&startmonth' % (int(startyear)) url += '=%i&startday' % (int(startmonth)) url += '=%i&starthour' % (int(startday)) url += '=%i&startmin' % (int(starthour)) url += '=%i&startsec' % (int(startmin)) url += '=%i&endyear' % (int(startsec)) url += '=%i&endmonth' % (int(endyear)) url += '=%i&endday' % (int(endmonth)) url += '=%i&endhour' % (int(endday)) url += '=%i&endmin' % (int(endhour)) url += '=%i&endsec' % (int(endmin)) url += '=%i&stephours' % (int(endsec)) url += '=%f&parms' % (float(stephours)) url += '=%s' % (parms) # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation url = url.replace('+', '%2B') # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # parse output for line in page: items = line.split() if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue newList = [] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result
def radarToGeodetic(self, slatgd, slon, saltgd, az, el, radarRange)
radarToGeodetic converts arrays of az, el, and ranges to geodetic locations.
Input arguments:
1. slatgd - radar geodetic latitude 2. slon - radar longitude 3. saltgd - radar altitude 4. az - either a single azimuth, or a list of azimuths 5. el - either a single elevation, or a list of elevations. If so, len(el) must = len(az) 6. radarRange - either a single range, or a list of ranges. If so, len(radarRange) must = len(az)
A list of lists, where each list contains 3 floats (gdlat, glon, and gdalt)
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def radarToGeodetic(self, slatgd, slon, saltgd, az, el, radarRange): """radarToGeodetic converts arrays of az, el, and ranges to geodetic locations. Input arguments: 1. slatgd - radar geodetic latitude 2. slon - radar longitude 3. saltgd - radar altitude 4. az - either a single azimuth, or a list of azimuths 5. el - either a single elevation, or a list of elevations. If so, len(el) must = len(az) 6. radarRange - either a single range, or a list of ranges. If so, len(radarRange) must = len(az) Returns: A list of lists, where each list contains 3 floats (gdlat, glon, and gdalt) """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?slatgd' # append arguments url += '=%f&slon' % (float(slatgd)) url += '=%f&saltgd' % (float(slon)) url += '=%f&' % (float(saltgd)) if type(az) == list or type(az) == tuple: if len(az) != len(el) or len(az) != len(radarRange): raise ValueError('all lists most have same length') for i in range(len(az)): if i == 0: arg = str(az[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(az[i]) url += 'az=%s&' % (arg) for i in range(len(el)): if i == 0: arg = str(el[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(el[i]) url += 'el=%s&' % (arg) for i in range(len(radarRange)): if i == 0: arg = str(radarRange[i]) else: arg += ',' + str(radarRange[i]) url += 'range=%s' % (arg) else: url += 'az=%f&' % (az) url += 'el=%f&' % (el) url += 'range=%f&' % (radarRange) # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation url = url.replace('+', '%2B') # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that error was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] # parse output for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 3: # blank line continue newList = [] for item in items: try: newList.append(float(item)) except: newList.append(str(item)) result.append(newList) return result
def simplePrint(self, filename, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation)
simplePrint prints the data in the given file is a simple ascii format.
simplePrint prints only the parameters in the file, without filters or derived parameters. To choose which parameters to print, to print derived parameters, or to filter the data, use isprint instead.
filename - The absolute filename to be printed. Returned by getExperimentFiles.
user_fullname - full name of user making request
user_email - email address of user making request
user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request
Returns: string representing all data in the file in ascii, space-delimited form. The first line if the list of parameters printed. The first six parameters will always be year, month, day, hour, min, sec, representing the middle time of the measurment.
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def simplePrint(self, filename, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation): """simplePrint prints the data in the given file is a simple ascii format. simplePrint prints only the parameters in the file, without filters or derived parameters. To choose which parameters to print, to print derived parameters, or to filter the data, use isprint instead. Inputs: filename - The absolute filename to be printed. Returned by getExperimentFiles. user_fullname - full name of user making request user_email - email address of user making request user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request Returns: string representing all data in the file in ascii, space-delimited form. The first line if the list of parameters printed. The first six parameters will always be year, month, day, hour, min, sec, representing the middle time of the measurment. """ parms = self.getExperimentFileParameters(filename) parmStr = 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec' labelStr = 'YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MIN SEC ' for parm in parms: if parm.isMeasured and parm.isAddIncrement != 1: parmStr += ',%s' % (parm.mnemonic) thisLabel = parm.mnemonic[:11].upper() labelStr += '%s%s' % (thisLabel, ' '*(11-len(thisLabel))) retStr = '%s\n' % (labelStr) retStr += self.isprint(filename, parmStr, '', user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation) return(retStr)
def traceMagneticField(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, inputType, outputType, alts, lats, lons, model, qualifier, stopAlt=None)
traceMagneticField returns a point along a magnetic field line for each point specified by the lists alts, lats, lons. Traces to either 1) conjugate point, 2) intersection with a given altitude in the northern or southern hemisphere, 3) to the apex, or 4) to GSM XY plane, depending on qualifier argument. Uses Tsyganenko or IGRF fields, depending on model argument. Input arguments are either GSM or Geodetic, depending on inputType argument. Output arguments are either GSM or Geodetic, depending on outputType argument.
year, month, day, hour, minute, second - time at which to do the trace
inputType - 0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM
outputType - 0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM
The following parameter depend on inputType:
alts - a list of geodetic altitudes or ZGSMs of starting point
lats - a clist of geodetic latitudes or XGSMs of starting point
lons - a list of longitude or YGSM of starting point
Length of all three lists must be the same
model - 0 for Tsyganenko, 1 for IGRF
qualifier - 0 for conjugate, 1 for north_alt, 2 for south_alt, 3 for apex, 4 for GSM XY plane
stopAlt - altitude in km to stop trace at, if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt. If other qualifier, this parameter is not required. Default is None, which will raise exception if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt
Returns a tuple of tuples, one tuple for point in (alts, lats, lons) lists, where each tuple has three items:
1. geodetic altitude or ZGSM of ending point 2. geodetic latitude or XGSM of ending point 3. longitude or YGSM of ending point
If error, traceback includes error description
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def traceMagneticField(self, year, month, day, hour, minute,second, inputType, outputType, alts, lats, lons, model, qualifier, stopAlt=None): """ traceMagneticField returns a point along a magnetic field line for each point specified by the lists alts, lats, lons. Traces to either 1) conjugate point, 2) intersection with a given altitude in the northern or southern hemisphere, 3) to the apex, or 4) to GSM XY plane, depending on qualifier argument. Uses Tsyganenko or IGRF fields, depending on model argument. Input arguments are either GSM or Geodetic, depending on inputType argument. Output arguments are either GSM or Geodetic, depending on outputType argument. Inputs: year, month, day, hour, minute, second - time at which to do the trace inputType - 0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM outputType - 0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM The following parameter depend on inputType: alts - a list of geodetic altitudes or ZGSMs of starting point lats - a clist of geodetic latitudes or XGSMs of starting point lons - a list of longitude or YGSM of starting point Length of all three lists must be the same model - 0 for Tsyganenko, 1 for IGRF qualifier - 0 for conjugate, 1 for north_alt, 2 for south_alt, 3 for apex, 4 for GSM XY plane stopAlt - altitude in km to stop trace at, if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt. If other qualifier, this parameter is not required. Default is None, which will raise exception if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt Returns a tuple of tuples, one tuple for point in (alts, lats, lons) lists, where each tuple has three items: 1. geodetic altitude or ZGSM of ending point 2. geodetic latitude or XGSM of ending point 3. longitude or YGSM of ending point If error, traceback includes error description """ scriptName = '' url = self.cgiurl + scriptName + '?' delimiter = ',' # append arguments url += 'year=%i&' % (int(year)) url += 'month=%i&' % (int(month)) url += 'day=%i&' % (int(day)) url += 'hour=%i&' % (int(hour)) url += 'min=%i&' % (int(minute)) url += 'sec=%i&' % (int(second)) url += 'inputType=%i&' % (int(inputType)) url += 'outputType=%i&' % (int(outputType)) in1Str = delimiter.join([str(item) for item in alts]) url += 'in1=%s&' % (in1Str) in2Str = delimiter.join([str(item) for item in lats]) url += 'in2=%s&' % (in2Str) in3Str = delimiter.join([str(item) for item in lons]) url += 'in3=%s&' % (in3Str) url += 'model=%i&' % (int(model)) url += 'qualifier=%i&' % (int(qualifier)) if stopAlt == None: if int(qualifier) in (1,2): raise ValueError('stopAlt must be set for qualifer in (1,2)') else: stopAlt = 0.0 url += 'stopAlt=%s' % (str(stopAlt)) # remove any pluses in the url due to scientific notation url = url.replace('+', '%2B') # read main url try: mainUrl = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: raise ValueError('unable to open url ' + str(url)) page ='utf8') page = page.split('\n') mainUrl.close() # parse the result if len(page) == 0: raise ValueError('No data found at url' + str(url)) # check that html was not returned for line in page: if line.find('Error occurred') != -1: raise ValueError('error raised using url ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(page)) result = [] for line in page: items = line.split(',') if len(items) < 3: continue result.append((float(items[0]), float(items[1]), float(items[2]))) return result
class MadrigalExperiment (id, url, name, siteid, sitename, instcode, instname, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, isLocal, madrigalUrl, pi, piEmail, uttimestamp, access, version)
MadrigalExperiment is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal Experiment.
id (int) Example: 10000111. Uniquely identifies experiment. realUrl (string) the real url to display this experiment in a web browser. url (string) Example: '' Note: this is a an old url that no longer works, but it is the form stored in the metadata. See realUrl attribute for working url. name (string) Example: 'Wide Latitude Substorm Study' siteid (int) Example: 1 sitename (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Observatory' instcode (int) Code of instrument. Example: 30 instname (string) Instrument name. Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' startyear - int startmonth - int startday - int starthour - int startmin - int startsec - int endyear - int endmonth - int endday - int endhour - int endmin - int endsec - int isLocal - True if a local experiment, False if not madrigalUrl - url of Madrigal site. Used if not a local experiment. pi - experiment Principal investigator piEmail - experiment Principal investigator's email realUrl - working url to experiment (use this instead of url) uttimestamp - st_mtime of expDir. None if not supported by the Madrigal site access - access code of the experiment (0 if public, 2 if public). None if not supported by the Madrigal site. version - version of Madrigal site where data located in form I.I[.I] where I is an integer
Non-standard Python modules used: None
Change history:
Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004
init initializes a MadrigalExperiment.
id (int, or string that can be converted) Example: 10000111. Uniquely identifies experiment. url (string) Example: '' - see realUrl attribute for an actual url that works in the web name (string) Example: 'Wide Latitude Substorm Study' siteid (int, or string that can be converted) Example: 1 sitename (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Observatory' instcode (int, or string that can be converted) Code of instrument. Example: 30 instname (string) Instrument name. Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' startyear - int, or string that can be converted startmonth - int, or string that can be converted startday - int, or string that can be converted starthour - int, or string that can be converted startmin - int, or string that can be converted startsec - int, or string that can be converted endyear - int, or string that can be converted endmonth - int, or string that can be converted endday - int, or string that can be converted endhour - int, or string that can be converted endmin - int, or string that can be converted endsec - int, or string that can be converted isLocal - True if a local experiment, False if not madrigalUrl - url of Madrigal site. Used if not a local experiment. pi - experiment PI piEmail - experiment PI email uttimestamp - st_mtime of expDir. None if not supported by the Madrigal site access - access code of the experiment (0 if public, 2 if public). None if not supported by the Madrigal site. version - version of Madrigal site where data located in form I.I[.I] where I is an integer
Returns: void
Affects: Initializes all the class member variables.
Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in.
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class MadrigalExperiment: """MadrigalExperiment is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal Experiment. Attributes:: id (int) Example: 10000111. Uniquely identifies experiment. realUrl (string) the real url to display this experiment in a web browser. url (string) Example: '' Note: this is a an old url that no longer works, but it is the form stored in the metadata. See realUrl attribute for working url. name (string) Example: 'Wide Latitude Substorm Study' siteid (int) Example: 1 sitename (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Observatory' instcode (int) Code of instrument. Example: 30 instname (string) Instrument name. Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' startyear - int startmonth - int startday - int starthour - int startmin - int startsec - int endyear - int endmonth - int endday - int endhour - int endmin - int endsec - int isLocal - True if a local experiment, False if not madrigalUrl - url of Madrigal site. Used if not a local experiment. pi - experiment Principal investigator piEmail - experiment Principal investigator's email realUrl - working url to experiment (use this instead of url) uttimestamp - st_mtime of expDir. None if not supported by the Madrigal site access - access code of the experiment (0 if public, 2 if public). None if not supported by the Madrigal site. version - version of Madrigal site where data located in form I.I[.I] where I is an integer Non-standard Python modules used: None Change history: Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004 """ def __init__(self, id, url, name, siteid, sitename, instcode, instname, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, isLocal, madrigalUrl, pi, piEmail, uttimestamp, access, version): """__init__ initializes a MadrigalExperiment. Inputs:: id (int, or string that can be converted) Example: 10000111. Uniquely identifies experiment. url (string) Example: '' - see realUrl attribute for an actual url that works in the web name (string) Example: 'Wide Latitude Substorm Study' siteid (int, or string that can be converted) Example: 1 sitename (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Observatory' instcode (int, or string that can be converted) Code of instrument. Example: 30 instname (string) Instrument name. Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' startyear - int, or string that can be converted startmonth - int, or string that can be converted startday - int, or string that can be converted starthour - int, or string that can be converted startmin - int, or string that can be converted startsec - int, or string that can be converted endyear - int, or string that can be converted endmonth - int, or string that can be converted endday - int, or string that can be converted endhour - int, or string that can be converted endmin - int, or string that can be converted endsec - int, or string that can be converted isLocal - True if a local experiment, False if not madrigalUrl - url of Madrigal site. Used if not a local experiment. pi - experiment PI piEmail - experiment PI email uttimestamp - st_mtime of expDir. None if not supported by the Madrigal site access - access code of the experiment (0 if public, 2 if public). None if not supported by the Madrigal site. version - version of Madrigal site where data located in form I.I[.I] where I is an integer Returns: void Affects: Initializes all the class member variables. Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in. """ = int(id) if not isStringType(url): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, url not string type: %s' % (str(url))) self.url = url if not isStringType(name): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, name not string type: %s' % (str(name))) = name self.siteid = int(siteid) if not isStringType(sitename): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, sitename not string type: %s' % (str(sitename))) self.sitename = sitename self.instcode = int(instcode) if not isStringType(instname): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, instname not string type: %s' % (str(instname))) self.instname = instname self.startyear = int(startyear) self.startmonth = int(startmonth) self.startday = int(startday) self.starthour = int(starthour) self.startmin = int(startmin) self.startsec = int(startsec) self.endyear = int(endyear) self.endmonth = int(endmonth) self.endday = int(endday) self.endhour = int(endhour) self.endmin = int(endmin) self.endsec = int(endsec) if isLocal not in (True, False): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, isLocal not boolean: %s' % (str(isLocal))) self.isLocal = isLocal if not isStringType(madrigalUrl): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, madrigalUrl not string type: %s' % (str(madrigalUrl))) self.madrigalUrl = madrigalUrl if not isStringType(pi): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, pi not string type: %s' % (str(pi))) self.pi = pi if not isStringType(piEmail): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, piEmail not string type: %s' % (str(piEmail))) self.piEmail = piEmail if self.isLocal: self.realUrl = self._getRealExperimentUrl(version) else: self.realUrl = 'Cannot_get_real_url_for_remote_site' self.uttimestamp = uttimestamp self.access = access if not isStringType(version): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperiment, version not string type: %s' % (str(version))) self.version = version def _getRealExperimentUrl(self, version): """getRealExperimentUrl is a private method that returns the url used in a web browser to see this experiment's page in full data access interface. Uses to create attribute realUrl. Inputs: version - version of Madrigal site where data located in form I.I[.I] where I is an integer real url depends on Madrigal version """ version_list = [int(item) for item in version.split('.')] retStr = '' index = self.url.find('/madtoc/') if version_list[0] == 2: retStr += self.url[:index] + '/madExperiment.cgi?exp=' retStr += self.url[index+8:] + '&displayLevel=0&expTitle=' try: retStr += urlparse.quote_plus( # python3 except AttributeError: retStr += urllib.quote_plus('utf8')) # python2 else: retStr += self.url[:index] + '/showExperiment/?experiment_list=%i' % ( return(retStr) def __str__(self): """return a readible form of this object""" retStr = '' retStr += 'id: %s\n' % (str( retStr += 'realUrl: %s\n' % (self.realUrl) retStr += 'url: %s\n' % (self.url) retStr += 'name: %s\n' % ( retStr += 'siteid: %s\n' % (str(self.siteid)) retStr += 'sitename: %s\n' % (self.sitename) retStr += 'instcode: %s\n'% (str(self.instcode)) retStr += 'instname: %s\n' % (self.instname) retStr += 'startyear: %s\n' % (str(self.startyear)) retStr += 'startmonth: %s\n'% (str(self.startmonth)) retStr += 'startday: %s\n' % (str(self.startday)) retStr += 'starthour: %s\n'% (str(self.starthour)) retStr += 'startmin: %s\n' % (str(self.startmin)) retStr += 'startsec: %s\n'% (str(self.startsec)) retStr += 'endyear: %s\n' % (str(self.endyear)) retStr += 'endmonth: %s\n'% (str(self.endmonth)) retStr += 'endday: %s\n' % (str(self.endday)) retStr += 'endhour: %s\n'% (str(self.endhour)) retStr += 'endmin: %s\n' % (str(self.endmin)) retStr += 'endsec: %s\n'% (str(self.endsec)) retStr += 'isLocal: %s\n' % (str(self.isLocal)) retStr += 'madrigalUrl: %s\n'% (self.madrigalUrl) retStr += 'PI: %s\n'% (self.pi) retStr += 'PIEmail: %s\n'% (self.piEmail) retStr += 'uttimestamp: %s\n'% (str(self.uttimestamp)) retStr += 'access: %s\n'% (str(self.access)) retStr += 'Madrigal version: %s\n'% (self. version) return retStr def __cmp__(self, other): """ __cmp__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects. Compared by start time, then by end time. """ dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday, self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec) dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday, other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec) result = cmp(dt1, dt2) if result != 0: return(result) dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday, self.endhour, self.endmin, self.endsec) dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.endyear, other.endmonth, other.endday, other.endhour, other.endmin, other.endsec) return(cmp(dt1, dt2)) def __eq__(self, other): """ __eq__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects for equality. Compared by start time and end time. """ dt1s = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday, self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec) dt2s = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday, other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec) dt1e = datetime.datetime(self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday, self.endhour, self.endmin, self.endsec) dt2e = datetime.datetime(other.endyear, other.endmonth, other.endday, other.endhour, other.endmin, other.endsec) return(dt1s == dt2s and dt1e == dt2e) def __ne__(self, other): """ __ne__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects for inequality. Simply the inverse of __eq__ """ return(not(self.__eq__(self, other))) def __lt__(self, other): """ __lt__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects. Compared by start time only """ dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday, self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec) dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday, other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec) return (dt1 < dt2) def __le__(self, other): """ __le__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects. Compared by start time only """ dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday, self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec) dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday, other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec) return (dt1 <= dt2) def __gt__(self, other): """ __gt__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects. Compared by start time only """ dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday, self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec) dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday, other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec) return (dt1 > dt2) def __ge__(self, other): """ __ge__ compares two MadrigalExperiment objects. Compared by start time only """ dt1 = datetime.datetime(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday, self.starthour, self.startmin, self.startsec) dt2 = datetime.datetime(other.startyear, other.startmonth, other.startday, other.starthour, other.startmin, other.startsec) return (dt1 >= dt2)
class MadrigalExperimentFile (name, kindat, kindatdesc, category, status, permission, expId=None, doi=None)
MadrigalExperimentFile is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal ExperimentFile.
name (string) Example '/opt/mdarigal/blah/mlh980120g.001' kindat (int) Kindat code. Example: 3001 kindatdesc (string) Kindat description: Example 'Basic Derived Parameters' category (int) (1=default, 2=variant, 3=history, 4=real-time) status (string)('preliminary', 'final', or any other description) permission (int) 0 for public, 1 for private expId - experiment id of the experiment this MadrigalExperimentFile belongs in doi - digital object identifier - citable url to file - or None if not found
Non-standard Python modules used: None
Change history:
Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004
init initializes a MadrigalExperimentFile.
name - (string) Example '/opt/mdarigal/blah/mlh980120g.001' kindat - (int, or string that can be converted) Kindat code. Example: 3001 kindatdesc - (string) Kindat description: Example 'Basic Derived Parameters' category - (int, or string that can be converted) (1=default, 2=variant, 3=history, 4=real-time) status - (string)('preliminary', 'final', or any other description) permission - (int, or string that can be converted) 0 for public, 1 for private expId - experiment id of the experiment this MadrigalExperimentFile belongs in doi - digital object identifier - citable url to file. Default is None
Returns: void
Affects: Initializes all the class member variables.
Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in.
Expand source code
class MadrigalExperimentFile: """MadrigalExperimentFile is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal ExperimentFile. Attributes:: name (string) Example '/opt/mdarigal/blah/mlh980120g.001' kindat (int) Kindat code. Example: 3001 kindatdesc (string) Kindat description: Example 'Basic Derived Parameters' category (int) (1=default, 2=variant, 3=history, 4=real-time) status (string)('preliminary', 'final', or any other description) permission (int) 0 for public, 1 for private expId - experiment id of the experiment this MadrigalExperimentFile belongs in doi - digital object identifier - citable url to file - or None if not found Non-standard Python modules used: None Change history: Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004 """ def __init__(self, name, kindat, kindatdesc, category, status, permission, expId = None, doi=None): """__init__ initializes a MadrigalExperimentFile. Inputs:: name - (string) Example '/opt/mdarigal/blah/mlh980120g.001' kindat - (int, or string that can be converted) Kindat code. Example: 3001 kindatdesc - (string) Kindat description: Example 'Basic Derived Parameters' category - (int, or string that can be converted) (1=default, 2=variant, 3=history, 4=real-time) status - (string)('preliminary', 'final', or any other description) permission - (int, or string that can be converted) 0 for public, 1 for private expId - experiment id of the experiment this MadrigalExperimentFile belongs in doi - digital object identifier - citable url to file. Default is None Returns: void Affects: Initializes all the class member variables. Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in. """ if not isStringType(name): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperimentFile, name not string type: %s' % (str(name))) = name self.kindat = int(kindat) if not isStringType(kindatdesc): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperimentFile, kindatdesc not string type: %s' % (str(kindatdesc))) self.kindatdesc = kindatdesc self.category = int(category) if not isStringType(status): raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperimentFile, status not string type: %s' % (str(status))) self.status = status self.permission = int(permission) if expId == None: self.expId = None else: self.expId = int(expId) if not isStringType(doi) and not doi is None: raise ValueError('In MadrigalExperimentFile, doi not string type or None: %s' % (str(doi))) self.doi = doi def __str__(self): """return a readable form of this object""" retStr = '' retStr += 'name: %s\n' % ( retStr += 'kindat: %s\n' % (str(self.kindat)) retStr += 'kindatdesc: %s\n' % (self.kindatdesc) retStr += 'category: %s\n' % (str(self.category)) retStr += 'status: %s\n' % (self.status) retStr += 'permission: %s\n'% (str(self.permission)) retStr += 'expId: %s\n'% (str(self.expId)) retStr += 'doi: %s\n'% (self.doi) return retStr
class MadrigalInstrument (name, code, mnemonic, latitude, longitude, altitude, category='unknown')
MadrigalInstrument is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal Instrument.
name (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar'
code (int) Example: 30
mnemonic (3 char string) Example: 'mlh'
latitude (double) Example: 45.0
longitude (double) Example: 110.0
altitude (double) Example: 0.015 (km)
category (string) Example 'Incoherent Scatter Radars'
Non-standard Python modules used: None
Change history:
Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004
init initializes a MadrigalInstrument.
name - (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' code - (int, or string that can be converted) Example: 30 mnemonic - (3 char string) Example: 'mlh' latitude - (double, or string that can be converted) Example: 45.0 longitude (double, or string that can be converted) Example: 110.0 altitude (double, or string that can be converted) Example: 0.015 (km) category (string) Example: 'Incoherent Scatter Radars'
Returns: void
Affects: Initializes all the class member variables.
Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in.
Expand source code
class MadrigalInstrument: """MadrigalInstrument is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal Instrument. Attributes:: name (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' code (int) Example: 30 mnemonic (3 char string) Example: 'mlh' latitude (double) Example: 45.0 longitude (double) Example: 110.0 altitude (double) Example: 0.015 (km) category (string) Example 'Incoherent Scatter Radars' Non-standard Python modules used: None Change history: Written by "Bill Rideout" Feb. 10, 2004 """ def __init__(self, name, code, mnemonic, latitude, longitude, altitude, category='unknown'): """__init__ initializes a MadrigalInstrument. Inputs:: name - (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' code - (int, or string that can be converted) Example: 30 mnemonic - (3 char string) Example: 'mlh' latitude - (double, or string that can be converted) Example: 45.0 longitude (double, or string that can be converted) Example: 110.0 altitude (double, or string that can be converted) Example: 0.015 (km) category (string) Example: 'Incoherent Scatter Radars' Returns: void Affects: Initializes all the class member variables. Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in. """ if not isStringType(name): raise ValueError('In MadrigalInstrument, name not string type: %s' % (str(name))) = name self.code = int(code) if not isStringType(mnemonic): raise ValueError('In MadrigalInstrument, mnemonic not string type: %s' % (str(mnemonic))) if len(mnemonic) != 3: raise ValueError('In MadrigalInstrument, mnemonic not three characters: %s' % (str(mnemonic))) self.mnemonic = mnemonic.lower() self.latitude = float(latitude) self.longitude = float(longitude) self.altitude = float(altitude) if not isStringType(category): raise ValueError('In MadrigalInstrument, category not string type: %s' % (str(category))) self.category = category def __str__(self): """return a readible form of this object""" retStr = '' retStr += 'name: %s\n' % ( retStr += 'code: %s\n' % (str(self.code)) retStr += 'mnemonic: %s\n' % (self.mnemonic) retStr += 'latitude: %s\n' % (str(self.latitude)) retStr += 'longitude: %s\n' % (str(self.longitude)) retStr += 'altitude: %s\n'% (str(self.altitude)) retStr += 'category: %s\n'% (self.category) return retStr
class MadrigalParameter (mnemonic, description, isError, units, isMeasured, category, isSure, isAddIncrement)
MadrigalParameter is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal Parameter.
mnemonic (string) Example 'dti' description (string) Example: "F10.7 Multiday average observed (Ott)" isError (int) 1 if error parameter, 0 if not units (string) Example "W/m2/Hz" isMeasured (int) 1 if measured, 0 if derivable category (string) Example: "Time Related Parameter" isSure (int) - 1 if parameter can be found for every record, 0 if can only be found for some isAddIncrement - 1 if additional increment, 0 if normal, -1 if unknown (this capability only added with Madrigal 2.5)
Non-standard Python modules used: None
Change history:
Written by "Bill Rideout" Aug. 8, 2005
init initializes a MadrigalParameter.
mnemonic (string) Example 'dti' description (string) Example: "F10.7 Multiday average observed (Ott)" isError (int) 1 if error parameter, 0 if not units (string) Example "W/m2/Hz" isMeasured (int) 1 if measured, 0 if derivable category (string) Example: "Time Related Parameter" isSure (int) - 1 if parameter can be found for every record, 0 if can only be found for some isAddIncrement - 1 if additional increment, 0 if normal, -1 if unknown (this capability only added with Madrigal 2.5)
Returns: void
Affects: Initializes all the class member variables.
Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in.
Expand source code
class MadrigalParameter: """MadrigalParameter is a class that encapsulates information about a Madrigal Parameter. Attributes:: mnemonic (string) Example 'dti' description (string) Example: "F10.7 Multiday average observed (Ott)" isError (int) 1 if error parameter, 0 if not units (string) Example "W/m2/Hz" isMeasured (int) 1 if measured, 0 if derivable category (string) Example: "Time Related Parameter" isSure (int) - 1 if parameter can be found for every record, 0 if can only be found for some isAddIncrement - 1 if additional increment, 0 if normal, -1 if unknown (this capability only added with Madrigal 2.5) Non-standard Python modules used: None Change history: Written by "Bill Rideout" Aug. 8, 2005 """ def __init__(self, mnemonic, description, isError, units, isMeasured, category, isSure, isAddIncrement): """__init__ initializes a MadrigalParameter. Inputs:: mnemonic (string) Example 'dti' description (string) Example: "F10.7 Multiday average observed (Ott)" isError (int) 1 if error parameter, 0 if not units (string) Example "W/m2/Hz" isMeasured (int) 1 if measured, 0 if derivable category (string) Example: "Time Related Parameter" isSure (int) - 1 if parameter can be found for every record, 0 if can only be found for some isAddIncrement - 1 if additional increment, 0 if normal, -1 if unknown (this capability only added with Madrigal 2.5) Returns: void Affects: Initializes all the class member variables. Exceptions: If illegal argument passed in. """ if not isStringType(mnemonic): raise ValueError('In MadrigalParameter, mnemonic not string type: %s' % (str(mnemonic))) self.mnemonic = mnemonic if not isStringType(description): raise ValueError('In MadrigalParameter, description not string type: %s' % (str(description))) self.description = description self.isError = int(isError) if not isStringType(units): raise ValueError('In MadrigalParameter, units not string type: %s' % (str(units))) self.units = units self.isMeasured = int(isMeasured) if not isStringType(category): raise ValueError('In MadrigalParameter, category not string type: %s' % (str(category))) self.category = category self.isSure = int(isSure) self.isAddIncrement = int(isAddIncrement) def __str__(self): """return a readible form of this object""" retStr = '' retStr += 'mnemonic: %s\n' % (self.mnemonic) retStr += 'description: %s\n' % (self.description) retStr += 'isError: %s\n' % (str(self.isError)) retStr += 'units: %s\n' % (self.units) retStr += 'isMeasured: %s\n' % (str(self.isMeasured)) retStr += 'category: %s\n'% (self.category) retStr += 'isSure: %s\n'% (str(self.isSure)) retStr += 'isAddIncrement: %s\n'% (str(self.isAddIncrement)) return retStr